Global organisation
Jiao Shang-Bin''s 12 research works with 72 citations and 257 reads, including: Nonlinear Modeling of Double-barrel Eddy Current Coupler ... A tri-stable system excited by weak periodic signal is ...

What is a triple energizer?

The San Jiao or “triple energizer” is a yang organ that roughly corresponds to the overall restorative and functional activities of all the organs in the upper, middle, and lower body cavities. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Lu Fang-Guo, ... zhao Cheng, in Digital Chinese Medicine, 2020

What is a San Jiao?

San Jiao ("triple burner", or "triple energizer", or "triple heater") is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. It is the sixth organ of Fu, which is the hollow space inside the trunk of the body. In TCM, there are five solid organs and each solid organ has its counterpart in a hollow organ.

How does San Jiao make Qi?

San Jiao refines the subtle essences of qi in a manner similar to the distillation process by which a brewery creates alcohol from a warm mash of grains. First, the creamy mash of soaked grains is brought to a boil. The steam of that mixture is allowed to rise and then cool into a second container of water mixed with alcohol.

What is a Jiao like?

The Upper Jiao is like a vaporous mist in the region of the heart and lungs, the Middle Jiao is like foam in the region of the stomach and spleen, and the Lower Jiao is like a dense swamp in the region of the kidneys, intestines, and bladder.

Which cooling technology is used in a tri-generation system?

4. Absorption cooling is the dominant thermally activated cooling technology used in tri-generation systems to provide the additional cooling effect. Other options include adsorption cooling, desiccant cooling, ejector cooling and CO 2 refrigeration.

How efficient is a biomass-driven tri-generation system?

Huang et al. carried out modelling, simulation and techno-economic analysis of a small scale biomass-driven tri-generation system using an organic Rankine unit and an absorption cooling system. The maximum efficiency reported was 11.1% for power mode, 85% for combined heat and power mode and 71.7% for tri-generation mode.

Jiao Shang-Bin''s research works | Xi''an Technological University, …

Jiao Shang-Bin''s 12 research works with 72 citations and 257 reads, including: Nonlinear Modeling of Double-barrel Eddy Current Coupler ... A tri-stable system excited by weak periodic signal is ...

""-The …

Respective treatments should be implemented from the tri-Jiao pathway, and take the following as the basic treatment principle, regulating Qi activity and cleaning up the epidemic pathogenic factor in upper-Jiao; replenishing Qi to invigorate the spleen and breaking down the damp-heat of the middle-Jiao; clearing the internal organs and preserving Yin, degradating the turbid …

Chuxiong Chen, Jingyu Cao*, Jingjing Yu, Weixin Liu, Mingke Hu, Qiliang Wang, Dongsheng Jiao, Wei Ren, Gang Pei, Characterisation of a controllable loop thermosyphon for precise temperature management, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 185, 2021, 116444. ... and power tri-generation plant, Renewable Energy, 2019, 138:639-650. Cao Jingyu; ...

Tri-stage optimal dispatch for a microgrid in the presence of ...

Feixiang Jiao: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing – original draft. ... The novel tri-stage scheduling method incorporates an information feedback mechanism into the traditional tri-stage scheduling method to address the problem of the sub-optimal solution obtained by the traditional method, which results from the significant ...

The Triple Burner (San Jiao) According To Chinese Medicine

The Original Qi (Yuan Qi) is formed from the Pre-Heaven Essence with the input of the Post Heaven Essence. It is housed between the two Kidneys and it has a close connection to the …

Piezoelectric-Triboelectric-Electromagnetic Hybrid Rotational …

Pengcheng Jiao Amir H. Alavi In this paper, a new structural damage detection approach is proposed, based on monitoring of the magnetic field intensity variations using smartphones.

Sveriges energisystem

Sveriges energisystem kan delas in i tillförsel av energi, omvandling av energi och slutanvändning av energi. Energisystemet består av tillförd energi i form av primär energi som omvandlas och överförs till de slutliga energianvändarna.

‪Kui Jiao ()‬

‪Chair Professor, State Key Lab of Engines, Tianjin University ()‬ - ‪‪:18,547 ‬‬ - ‪heat and mass transfer‬ - ‪fuel cell‬ - ‪energy conversion‬ - ‪energy system‬ - ‪artificial...

Configuration optimization of a wind-solar based net-zero emission tri ...

A tri-generation system powered by solar and wind energy is introduced, utilizing solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, and a solar cooling/heating subsystem to attain net-zero carbon emissions via renewable power and carbon trading mechanisms. ... A. Zhao, Y. Jiao, W. Quan, Y. Chen. Net zero carbon rural integrated energy system design ...

A novel multi-mode magnetic triboelectric ...

DOI: 10.1117/12.2581463 Corpus ID: 233682077; A novel multi-mode magnetic triboelectric nanogenerator energy harvesting system @inproceedings{MatinNazar2021ANM, title={A novel multi-mode magnetic triboelectric nanogenerator energy harvesting system}, author={Ali Matin Nazar and King-James Idala Egbe and Pengcheng Jiao and Amir Hossein …

San Jiao

San Jiao ("triple burner", or "triple energizer", or "triple heater") is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. It is the sixth organ of Fu, which is the hollow space inside the trunk of the body. In TCM, there are five solid organs and each solid organ has its counterpart in a hollow organ. For instance, the heart is considered a solid organ, and the small intestine its hollow counterpart, or Fu organ. San Jiao is believed to be a body cavity of some kind which has the ab…

A novel coupled two-dimensional unsaturated asymmetric …

Distributed estimation cascade second-order tri-stable stochastic resonance method for random noise suppression in continuous-wave mud pulse telemetry. Zhidan Yan Tingting Song Hehui Sun Shuchao Lu Ruirui Sun. ... Wenchuan Cui Shangbin Jiao +4 authors Zhe Li. Engineering, Physics. Chinese Journal of Physics. 2023; 7.

A novel multi-mode magnetic triboelectric nanogenerator energy ...

P Jiao, Q Zhang, KJI Egbe, AH Alavi. A new structural health monitoring approach based on smartphone measurements of magnetic field intensity. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, in press ...


,,"tri—energizer""thesanjiao""Sanjiao""tri—pyrogens"。 "" …

Triple Energizer

Theoretical Perspectives of Auriculotherapy. Terry Oleson PhD, in Auriculotherapy Manual (Fourth Edition), 2014. San Jiao. This term has been translated as Triple Warmer (TW), Triple Heater (TH), Triple Burner (TB), and Triple Energizer (TE). Members of an international nomenclature committee of WHO ultimately decided to keep the Chinese term for this meridian …

Dynamical analysis of an asymmetric tri-stable hybrid energy

The piezoelectric–electromagnetic hybrid vibration energy harvester (HVEH) has proven to be a favorable option to overcome the low-power generation issue of individual energy conversion mechanism. Considering the inevitable asymmetry and the ubiquitous ambient noise in engineering, the stochastic dynamics of an asymmetric tri-stable HVEH driven by colored …

San Jiao: The Powerful Mystery Meridian for …

San means "three" and Jiao means "cooperate with," "connect together" or "cross together." However, San Jiao encompasses a special spiritual concept as well. For the past 5,000 years, the concept of the San Jiao meridian has remained …

‪Kui Jiao ()‬

Y Wang, B Seo, B Wang, N Zamel, K Jiao, XC Adroher. Energy and AI 1, 100014, 2020. 385: 2020: Multi-phase models for water and thermal management of proton exchange membrane fuel cell: A review. G Zhang, K Jiao. Journal of Power Sources 391, 120-133, 2018. 316: 2018: Cold start of proton exchange membrane fuel cell.

Robust scheduling of building energy system under uncertainty

For a building energy system, space cooling accounts for a large portion of energy consumption in hot weather [4] order to lower the energy consumption cost, especially the cooling cost, considerable work has been done on the application and optimal control of multi-chiller system and thermal energy storages [5], [6], [7], [8].The multi-chiller system can meet …

Economic predictive tri-level control for efficiency maximization of ...

Economic predictive tri-level control for efficiency maximization of stand-alone hybrid renewable energy system. Author links open overlay panel A. Al-Quraan ... X. Zhang, T. Ma, C. Jiao, H. Wang, W. Hu. A multi-step ahead photovoltaic power prediction model based on similar day, enhanced colliding bodies optimization, variational mode ...

(PDF) Tri-Level Multi-Energy System Planning Method for Zero …

Tri-Level Multi-Energy System Planning Method for Zero Energy Buildings Considering Long- and Short-Term Uncertainties January 2022 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy PP(99):1-14

The San Jiao According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

San Jiao controls the water passages and the excretion of fluids. This is one of the most important roles of the San Jiao. "In ''The Simple Questions'' it describes the internal organs as "official;" The Triple Burner is the official in charge of irrigation and it controls the Water passages." (The Yellow Emperor''s Classic of Internal Medicine: Simple Questions [Huang Ti Nei Jing Su Wen ...

A piezoelectric-triboelectric-electromagnetic tri-hybrid energy ...

The tri-hybrid piezoelectric-triboelectric-electromagnetic composite structure makes it possible to generate electrical energy at any moment of the rotational motion. Through theoretical modeling and experimental analysis of the THEH, the performance in the 0–2.6 Hz band is investigated, and the optimal configuration is determined.

Regional Integrated Energy System Resilience Enhancement …

Deployment of integrated energy system is conducive to improving energy efficiency and achieving the transformation of the global energy system. However, recent appearance of extreme natural disasters poses a great challenge to the safe and stable operation of the integrated energy system. Therefore, the resilience of the integrated energy system, …

Distributed coordinative transaction of a community integrated …

The tri-level model is initially transformed into a bi-level problem through the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker condition and convexification, and is then solved using the distributed iterative algorithm ...

Tri-stage optimal dispatch for a microgrid in the presence of ...

DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117881 Corpus ID: 244189152; Tri-stage optimal dispatch for a microgrid in the presence of uncertainties introduced by EVs and PV @article{Feixiang2021TristageOD, title={Tri-stage optimal dispatch for a microgrid in the presence of uncertainties introduced by EVs and PV}, author={Jiao Feixiang and Chengda Ji and Yuan …

Tri-phase flame retardant system towards advanced energy …

A tri-phase flame retardant system, consisting of an organic phase in polyols, a graphite phase in polyols and an inorganic phase in isocyanates, was successfully incorporated into RPUF composites. Firstly, the introduction of MADP with flame-retardant functional groups into the molecular structure of polyurethane (PU) led to the development of inherently flame …

Online optimal dispatch based on combined robust and …

A deep neural network-based state-of-charge (SoC) and state-of-health (SoH) co-estimation framework, which could realize accurate estimation in both laboratory and realistic scenes and is superior to many existing advanced machine learning models is proposed.

What and Where is the Triple Burner? — Balanced Life Tai Chi

In Chinese, the Triple Burner is known as San Jiao, which is often translated as "three burning spaces". It is also known as the Triple Warmer, Triple Energizer, or the Triple Heater. The Triple Burner is not actually a physical organ (which confuses Westerners). Even scholars and/or experts have argued about Triple Burner''s true nature.

Energy Management of Integrated Energy System in …

Dr. Wentao Huang has been in School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as an associate professor. Dr. Huang focuses on the control, protection, and energy management of port …


: , , Abstract: On the basis of hermeneutics, the paper delves into the translations of "sanjiao", the traditional Chinese medicine term, whose equivalence is absent in …

Investigation of a tri-renewable energy system coupled with …

A novel integrated energy system, where tri-renewable energy sources are coupled with a battery and hydrogen storage system, is proposed. The objective of this paper is then to investigate and evaluate the overall system thermodynamically for potential applications. Solar, biomass and wind energy sources are considered in the system development ...

Energy and AI

Energy and AI Donghan Jin (Editor -in-Chief )1*, 3Raffaella Ocone (Editor) 2*, Kui Jiao (Editor) 1* and Jin Xuan (Editor) * 1. State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, 135 Yaguan Road ...