The methodology adopted to identify promising energy storage solutions for offshore applications is based on identifying energy storage requirements, performance, technologies and potential use in practical scenarios. 2.1. Offshore Energy Storage Requirements
The offshore environment can be used for unobtrusive, safe, and economical utility-scale energy storage by taking advantage of the hydrostatic pressure at ocean depths to store energy by pumping water out of concrete spheres and later allowing it to flow back in through a turbine to generate electricity.
Refer to Table 18 of the Supplementary Information for detailed numerical results related to system cost components across the scenarios. As we have seen, even relatively small percentages of offshore wind and wave energy penetrations in a 2050 zero-emissions electricity mix have significant implications on the grid.
Offshore energy storage presents several specificities compared to onshore, primarily referring to the remoteness of the fields and the limiting or non-existing connection to energy grids. The essential requirements that offshore facilities pose to system architectures were identified here based on a dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
The design and implementation of innovative energy-efficient technologies exploiting renewable sources are critical issues towards the transition to a sustainable future. The benefits of developing offshore energy storage solutions are not limited to the decarbonisation of the oil and gas industry.
Current offshore wind and wave energy technologies are not cost-competitive with fossil fuel technologies, onshore wind energy, or solar energy either historically or with projections into 2030 17, 19, 20, 21. However, as we move towards a decarbonized energy future, we would benefit by considering a diverse portfolio of renewable energy sources.
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