Global organisation
Kvantum Institute supports high-quality research and coordinates multidisciplinary research activities and doctoral training on the University''s thematic area Mitigating climate change and …

What is the focus of Kvantum?

Kvantum focuses on mitigating climate change and safeguarding biodiversity. It operates particularly in this thematic area and develops the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research profile of the University of Oulu in close co-operation with the faculties, for example through foresight work.

What is Kvantum Institute?

Kvantum Institute is one of the four centres for multidisciplinary research at the University of Oulu. It systematically promotes multidisciplinary research in areas of global challenges. The Institute's work includes tracking and analyzing user behavior to meet individual user needs and deliver targeted advertising.

Who is Qvantum?

Qvantum is a company driven by a passion for a sustainable future. Built by a team of industry experts and using groundbreaking innovation, Qvantum is changing the way cities of Europe are heated.

How does Kvantum contribute to the University of Oulu?

Kvantum Institute contributes to solving global challenges and developing the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research profile of the University of Oulu in close co-operation with the faculties, for example through foresight work.

Why should I choose Qvantum?

You should choose Qvantum because it offers digital tools that transform many days of work into minutes of effort. Additionally, Qvantum has sustainability at its core, using certified ultra-low GWP refrigerants in its heat pumps to make climate-neutral energy solutions possible.

What makes Qvantum's products unique?

Our products are enhanced by state-of-the-art software intelligence that ensures unparalleled performance and a suite of intuitive digital tools. These tools can transform many days of work into minutes of effort.

Kvantum Institute | University of Oulu

Kvantum Institute supports high-quality research and coordinates multidisciplinary research activities and doctoral training on the University''s thematic area Mitigating climate change and …

Kvantum Institute''s new spearhead projects for the period 2025 – …

Kvantum Institute is one of the centres for multidisciplinary research in areas of global challenges and it contributes to cross-faculty research cooperation at the University of …

El och fjärrvärme, utsläpp av växthusgaser

Utsläppen av växthusgaser från el- och fjärrvärmeproduktionen står för cirka 8 procent av Sveriges totala utsläpp vilket motsvarar drygt 4 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter. …

Qvantum ska exportera den svenska värmepumpen till Europa

ÅSTORP. En grupp industriveteraner har gått samman för att sätta den svenska värmepumpen på export till Europas storstäder. Bolaget Qvantum siktar på att ta in 500 …

About Qvantum heat pumps – Qvantum

vad våra investerare säger. We have had the privilege to closely follow the stellar Qvantum team during the last year. We are very impressed by the Company''s product development, …

Kärnenergi | Faktablad om Europeiska unionen | Europaparlamentet

Kärnenergi är ett koldioxidsnålt alternativ till fossila bränslen och svarar för nästan 26 procent av den el som produceras i EU. Efter katastroferna i Tjernobyl 1986 och i Fukushima 2011 har …

Energins påverkan på miljön

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Max Planck

1858: Max Planck föds i Tyskland. 1900: Planck lägger fram sin kvantteori - energi sänds ut i småbitar som han kallar "kvantum". 1916: Plancks äldsta son stupar i första …

Qvantum QE – Frånluftsvärmepump

Qvantum QE frånluftsvärmepumpar. Effektstorlekarna 4 kW & 6 kW med inverterstyrning som uppfyller hemmets komfortbehov. Tappvarmvatten produceras utan risk för legionella via en …