Global organisation
Vår Energi drilled wells 25/7-12 S and A 200 kms northwest of Stavanger, both of which were dry. The ''Hubert'' and ''Magellan'' prospects were drilled in production licence 917, awarded in 2017.The Deepsea Yantai rig was used for the drilling operation.. These were the third and fourth wells in this production licence. Multiple discoveries have been made in this area in …

Norway: Var Energy drills dry wells in PL 917

Vår Energi drilled wells 25/7-12 S and A 200 kms northwest of Stavanger, both of which were dry. The ''Hubert'' and ''Magellan'' prospects were drilled in production licence 917, awarded in 2017.The Deepsea Yantai rig was used for the drilling operation.. These were the third and fourth wells in this production licence. Multiple discoveries have been made in this area in …

Hur rör sig energi genom ett ekosystem?

Det mesta av energin i ett ekosystem finns på producentnivå. När du rör dig upp på pyramiden minskar mängden tillgänglig energi avsevärt. I allmänhet överför bara cirka 10 procent av den tillgängliga energin från en nivå …

Climate & Environment

Vår Energi is positioned for the energy transition and is accelerating its decarbonisation plan. We''ve set ambitious targets to minimise our climate impact while creating value, and we have solid plans to deliver.

Vår Energi aktie | VAR | Aktiekurs, analyser & nyheter

Om Börskollen. Börskollen är en prisvinnande nyhetstidning och tjänst för börsintresserade som grundades 2015. Idag drivs tjänsten primärt av Kristoffer och Daniel.Båda har stor erfarenhet av börsen, aktier, investeringar, privatekonomi, företagande och motorrelaterat – ämnen som det frekvent skrivs nyheter om till Börskollens växande skara läsare.

What Is a Value-Added Reseller (VAR)? Definition …

A value-added reseller is a firm that enhances the value of third-party products by adding customized products or services for resale to end-users.


Vår Energi continually identifies and assesses the actual and potential impacts on sustainable development from its business and activities, both as part of its day-to-day activities, while engaging with relevant stakeholders and experts.

Norway: Var Energi extends gas sales agreement with Eni for an ...

Vår Energi has extended the long-term agreement for delivery of up to a total of five billion cubic meters (bcm) natural gas to Eni over a 12-year period.. The agreement adds to the recently announced gas sales contract with VNG. Vår Energi''s CEO, Nick Walker, comments: ''We are very pleased with having secured an extension of a second long-term gas sales …

Norway: Var Energi confirms new oil discovery in the Balder area …

Vår Energi has confirmed the discovery of oil in the Balder area in the Central North Sea. The latest Ringhorne North exploration well in PL 956 was successful with estimated recoverable resources of between 13 and 23 million barrels of oil. Operator Vår Energi considers the discovery a potential commercial candidate to be tied into nearby existing infrastructure in …


Vår Energis feltsenterstrategi handler om å utvikle en sterk portefølje med betydelig produksjons- og letepotensial. Den robuste og diversifiserte porteføljen gir innsikt i felt og produksjonstillatelser på tvers av hele sokkelen, og kan bidra til å finne og realisere muligheter for økt verdiskaping.. Som del av Vår Energis feltsenterstrategi, identifiserer s elskapet strategiske ...

Home | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy

VARO Energy is committed to accelerating the energy transition with a blend of conventional and sustainable energy solutions. Learn about their innovative approach, reliable energy supply, and sustainable practices that meet diverse energy needs across Europe.

Vår Energi kjøper Neptune Energy Norge for over 24 mrd.

Olje- og gasselskapet Vår Energi har fredag inngått avtale om å kjøpe 100 prosent av aksjene i Neptune Energy Norge til 2,275 milliarder dollar – noe som tilsvarer 24,4 milliarder kroner.

Förnybar energi och fossilfria energikällor

För att skapa en hållbar framtid för oss och vår planet måste vi ställa om till 100 procent förnybar energi och helt sluta använda fossila …


In order to appoint a new supplemental director, the board of directors of Vår Energi has today called for an extraordinary general meeting. Reference is made to the stock exchange notice by Vår Energi ASA issued on 30 August 2024 regarding the resignation of board member Ove Gusevik.

Faktablad: Vad är energi?

Energin motsvarar den mängd vatten som samlas i badkaret efter en viss tid. Hur mycket energi en apparat drar är alltså beroende på vilken effekt den har (i Watt) och hur lång tid den används (i timmar).

Vår Energi to acquire Neptune Energy''s Norwegian oil and gas …

Vår Energi ASA has entered into an agreement with Neptune Energy Group Holdings Limited to acquire 100% of the shares of Neptune Energy Norge AS for a cash consideration based on an agreed enterprise value of USD 2.275 billion (the "Transaction") to accelerate growth and value creation as a leading E&P independent on the Norwegian …

Norway: Var Energi announces second quarter and first half 2024 …

Vår Energi will publish its financial report for the second quarter and first half 2024 on Tuesday 23 July. Today, the Company provides an update on production, sales volumes and other relevant items. The average production of 293 kboepd in the first half of 2024 is in the upper end of the guided range for the period and the Company is on track to meet the full year …

Vår Energi extends gas sales agreement with Eni for an …

The agreement adds to the recently announced gas sales contract with VNG. Vår Energi''s CEO, Nick Walker, comments: "We are very pleased with having secured an extension of a second long-term gas sales agreement with a major European energy company.

Vad är förnybar energi? | Viessmann SE

Energin samlas in via fotovoltaiska celler som använder ljuset för att generera elektricitet. Solparker kan producera tillräckligt med el för att driva hundratals eller till och med tusentals hem.

Hur produceras el och värme?

I ett vattenkraftverk utnyttjas energin i fallande vatten. Vattnet leds genom en turbin som börjar snurra. Turbinen kopplas till en generator som omvandlar rörelseenergin till elektrisk ström.

Vår Energi har fullført oppkjøpet av Neptune Energy Norge

Vår Energi har fullført oppkjøpet av Neptune Energy Norge AS. Det skriver selskapet i en børsmelding. – Vår Energi er et av verdens raskest voksende oppstrøms olje- og gasselskap, og på plan for en nær dobling av produksjonen innen utgangen av 2025. Oppkjøpet av Neptune Energy Norge er et viktig skritt for å oppnå dette, […]

Förnybar energi och fossilfria bränslen

Fossila bränslen har länge dominerat världens globala energiförbrukning eftersom de fram tills väldigt nyligen var billigare än förnybar energi. Men här pågår ett paradigmskifte – idag är förnybar energi billigare än fossila bränslen på de …

Norway: Var Energi announces commercial oil and gas discovery …

The Vår Energi operated Cerisa exploration well in production license PL 636 was successful with estimated gross recoverable resources of between 18-39 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe).. The discovery is the fourth discovery in a row close to the partly electrified Vår Energi operated Gjøa platform.Together with previous discoveries Gjøa North and …

Exploration & Production

The North Sea, which accounted for 35% of the company''s production in 2023 and 228 mmboe in 2P reserves as of 31 December 2023, is a combination of a mature area with high activity and lifetime extensions for key fields, as well as …

Var Energi announces first quarter 2024 trading update

Vår Energi will publish its financial report for the first quarter 2024 on Tuesday 23 April. Today, the Company provides an update on production, sales volumes, and other relevant items. Vår Energi''s net production of oil, liquids and natural gas averaged 299 kboepd in the first quarter of 2024, an increase of 33% from the fourth quarter of 2023 and an increase of …

Frågor och svar om bioenergi

När det gäller matavfallet är det viktigt att man separerar och samlar in det så att man kan göra biogas av det. I många svenska städer körs bussar och en del bilar med biogas. …

Forskare samlar in energi från kroppen |

Varje enskild rörelse kroppen gör innehåller mekanisk energi, men den energin utleds i dag bara som värme, som tränger ut i omgivningarna. År 2023 lyckades en grupp koreanska forskare dock dra nytta av energin med …

Varifrån kommer energin?

Titta på bilder och fundera på vad de föreställer och varifrån energin kommer.

Vår Energi completes Neptune acquisition

About Vår Energi Vår Energi is a leading independent upstream oil and gas company on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). We are committed to deliver a better future through responsible value driven growth based on over 50 years of NCS operations, a robust and diversified asset portfolio with ongoing development projects, and a strong exploration track …

Norway: Var Energi reports strong fourth quarter and ...

Vår Energi is on track for growth and value creation and delivers strong financial results in a quarter with good operational performance and high realised prices. As one of the fastest growing E&P companies in the world, Vår Energi is on track to nearly double production to around 400 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day by end 2025.

Norway: Var Energi completes sale of Brage asset

The sale of 12,2575 percent interest in the Brage Field from Vår Energi to Petrolia NOCO, which was announced on 6 October 2023, has been approved by the authorities and has been completed.


At Vår Energi you can make an impact and contribute to develop the oil- and gas industry for the future.Do you want to come on this journey? Join one of Norway´s leading oil- and gas companies!

Vår Energi

The company was established in December 2018 as a result of the merger between Eni Norge and Point Resources AS. Eni Norge was a subsidiary of the Italian oil and gas company Eni, while Point Resources AS was owned by HitecVision, a private equity firm specializing in the energy sector.The merger created one of the largest independent oil and gas companies in Norway, …

Norway: Var Energi awarded 16 new NCS licenses

Vår Energi has been awarded 16 new production licenses on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), of which four as operator, in the 2023 Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) covering mature areas.. Vår Energi is one of the fastest growing oil and gas companies in the world and a major oil and gas supplier to the European market.


Vår Energis strategiske valg har kort vei fra møterommet til handlingsrommet. Vi har utarbeidet konkrete strategiske grunnpilarer som legger føringer for hvordan vi skal jobbe med energi for fremtiden.