With the progress of research on ocean thermal energy conversion, the stabI have checked and revised all. le operation of ocean thermal energy conversion experiments has become a problem that cannot be ignored. The control foundation for stable operation is the accurate prediction of operational performance. In order to achieve accurate prediction and …
Att vibrationer kan omvandlas till elektricitet är belagt, men vilken potential tekniken har är fortfarande okänt. I småskaliga pilotsatsningar har man till exempel lyckats …
Forskningsprojekt Dagligen utsätts ett stort antal människor i såväl arbete som på fritid för vibrationer som kan påverka komfort, hälsa och välbefinnande på ett negativt sätt. Vibrationer …
Resonatordesign experimentell umgesetzt. Für die gestellten Anforderungen wurden drei Konzepte erarbeitet und experimentell untersucht. Die Anforderungen an die niedrige …
For the problem of experimental verification for plate structure shape perception and reconstruction algorithm, an experimental verification platform was designed and constructed consisting of experiment base station, excitation system, measurement system and...
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware • Article • June 2023 Vol. 5 No. 3: 213â€"231 10.1016/j.vrih.2022.08.018 A spatiotemporal intelligent framework and experimental platform for urban digital twins Jinxing HU1, Zhihan LV2*, Diping YUAN1,3, Bing HE1, Wenjiang CHEN1,3, Xiongfei YE1,3, Donghao LI1, Ge YANG1 1.
Gravitational Experimental Platform for Animal Models, a New Platform at ESA''s Terrestrial Facilities to Study the Effects of Micro- and Hypergravity on Aquatic and Rodent Animal Models
Nachdem wir uns in den beiden vorigen Kapiteln mit den grundlegenden Erkenntnissen über stabile und instabile Kerne befasst haben, soll nun erläutert werden, mit …
Startar plattform för digital experimentell poesi. Foto: Aaron Burden. Hilda Forss och Jolin Slotte startar Kontradiktion – en digital tidskrift på nätet. Det finns också planer på en databank, evenemang och en förening, …
Durch die experimentell einfach zu messende Induktion in einer Spulenanordnung ist es darüber hinaus möglich, die Schwingungsfrequenzen mit einer Genauigkeit von10–4 oder besser zu …
In order to solve the problems of poor machining accuracy and surface quality of hard and brittle materials such as Ti2AlNb intermetallic alloy in conventional machining, the principle of apparent elasticity method was used to design a flat-plate vibration device. Firstly, the propagation characteristics of ultrasonic in inclined slot plate were analyzed by using the …
—This paper presents an integrated fault diagnostic and prognostic approach for bearing health monitoring and condition-based maintenance. The proposed scheme consists of three main components including principal component analysis (PCA), hidden Markov model (HMM), and an adaptive stochastic fault prediction model.
The experimental teaching of pediatric dentistry is a bridge between theoretical study and clinical practice, and virtual simulation technology provides a new method of instruction. We built an experimental teaching platform using virtual simulation technology for vital pulpotomy that includes learning and examination modes. A total of 199 students majoring in stomatology …
Although there has been much interest in computational photography within the research and photography communities, progress has been hampered by the lack of a portable, programmable camera with sufficient image quality and computing power. To address ...
Zum Vergleich für die numerisch ermittelten Ergebnisse wird der Versuchsaufbau experimentell nachgebildet, um auf Basis der gemessenen Größen die …
DOI: 10.12677/ces.2020.82019 116 :2020316;:2020331;:202047
So wirken sich die Konsequenzen einer vereinfachten Konstruktion und den damit reduzierten Produktionskosten im Allgemeinen nicht nur auf die Benutzerfreundlichkeit …
The other kind of rock cutting test is the rock rotary cutting test system. In China, two rock rotary cutting test systems have been successfully designed and applied by State Key Laboratory of Shield Machine and Boring Technology …
B ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (8): 80305-080305. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/abfccb. : SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum computation and quantum simulation • • . Optimized pulse for stimulated Raman adiabatic passage on noisy experimental platform Zhi-Ling Wang(), Leiyinan Liu(), and Jian Cui() †
Investigation into the energy consumption in electric vehicles (EVs) plays a pivotal role in determining their autonomy and assessing the electric system performance across diverse operational scenarios. This study focuses on the concept of energy regeneration, encompassing the recovery and storage of kinetic mechanical energy during braking or …
In order to investigate the barrier rocks, such as saltstone, claystone and crystalline, response under the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes, a series of laboratory and field tests in the scope of the GeomInt project are carried out.
Based on the teaching and students'' scientific research/innovation demand of Glasgow College, The experimental center . consists of the basic laboratory cluster, the specialized laboratory cluster and the comprehensive laboratory cluster.. The experimental center always adheres to the "exploration, innovation, excellence" concept, learns from international advanced
In meteorologischen und klimatologischen Standardmessprogrammen werden in der Regel nur ausgewählte Zustandsgrößen der Atmosphäre gemessen, so dass die …
Download scientific diagram | Experimental platform 2 (SQI-MFS). from publication: Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Domain Adaptation and Preferred Feature Selection under Variable Working ...
Platform Overview. The "PWA Instrumentation & Service Center for Biomedicine" is a collaborative project by Peking University Shanghai Lin-gang International Science and Technology Innovation Center (PKU-IICSH) integrating resources and expertise from Peking University, the World Laureates Association (WLA) Shanghai Center, and the ATLATL Center …
This paper presents the concept of an intelligent control system platform equipped with advanced functions and integrated into a unique laboratory demonstrator for simulation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) processes.
: This paper deals with the presentation of an experimental platform called PRONOSTIA, which enables testing, verifying and validating methods related to bearing health assessment, diagnostic and prognostic.
Space experiments are a technically challenging but a scientifically important part of astrobiology and astrochemistry research. The International Space Station (ISS) is an excellent example of a ...
The powerful suite of available genetic tools is driving tremendous progress in understanding mouse brain cell types and circuits. However, the degree of conservation in human remains largely ...
Detta projekt undersöker hur vi kan använda energi från naturliga och mänskligt skapade vibrationer för att möta det växande behovet av hållbara energilösningar i takt med …
Experimentelle Methoden sind heute in der Policy-Forschung ebenso etabliert wie in anderen Teilbereichen der empirischen Politikwissenschaft. Diese Feststellung wird durch die wachsende Zahl an wissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen (Grimmelikhuijsen et al. 2017), neuen Fachzeitschriften wie dem Journal of Experimental Political Science und …
With the rapid development of marine oil and gas exploitation, the evacuation of offshore platforms has received more attention. First, an experimental investigation of the evacuation process of 120 participants in a real offshore platform is performed, and then simulation results provided by Pathfinder are validated against the measurement results. …
An Experimental Platform of Heating Network Similarity Model for Test of Integrated Energy Systems
Microwave experimental platform to demonstrate topology physics based on tight-binding model
Open the "CopterSim3DEnvironment.slx" file according to the above procedure; then, a SIL simulation example will appear as shown in Fig. 3.7.The SIL simulation example contains three subsystems: the "Controller" subsystem, the "Multicopter Model" subsystem, and the "FlightGear Interface" subsystem.