There are few tools that enable an integrated urban energy use modeling through capturing various urban energy components, including building operational energy, transportation energy, and building and infrastructure embodied energy.
CityGML is not fully utilized in many urban energy use modeling tools for energy use modeling purposes. It is mainly used for representing physical characteristics of buildings and urban infrastructure and visualization.
The available tools for urban energy modeling typically focus on a singular component of urban energy use, while these components are interrelated at different levels. An accurate, time efficient, and feasible approach for integrated urban energy use modeling remains an open question. Accordingly, the question is how to enable this.
Like smart buildings, both active and passive measures are crucial in enhancing urban energy performance through urban design and planning . Urban design significantly influences energy consumption, with the urban form and structure being key to reducing energy demands [15, 73].
Urban energy use modeling is a challenging task due to the complex nature of cities and their dependency on a broad range of factors for providing an accurate representation of real-world urban energy systems [as discussed in the previous sections]. This makes the process time-consuming and computationally expensive.
GIS (Geographic Information System) is commonly used as the platform in urban energy use modeling [120, 121]. It allows the integration, analysis, interpretation, and visualization of data with a geo-spatial reference of building stock and infrastructure in urban scale.
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About Urban Energy In Cities Cities consume over two-thirds of the world''s energy and have a unique role to play in the global energy transition across buildings, transport, heating/cooling, industry, and power grids (IEA, 2021).
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The Content is owned, maintained and updated by Department of Survey and Settlement, Survey House,Chepauk, Chennai: Designed and developed by National Informatics Centre, Chennai
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