We are delighted to present the "Hot Spots in Protein Biochemistry for Basic and Applied Sciences" article collection. This collection showcases high-impact, authoritative and reader-friendly mini-review and short communication articles authored by leaders in the protein biochemistry field covering important topics at the forefront of hot issues in protein …
The results show that computer-assisted translation has significant development prospects, and its research content covers a wide range and tends to be diverse. In recent years, computer-assisted translation is one of the important teaching contents in MTI majors, and the discussion of its content helps to cultivate students'' translation ability. Based on the …
One technique is the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), which Aigner et al. (1977) and Meeusen and van den Broeck (1977) simultaneously yet independently developed. As described in Mamiit et al. (2020), this study also adopted an output-oriented stochastic production frontier model [Eq. (1)] with an exponential distribution assumption ...
The purpose of this study is to present the research groups and relationships of subject literature in virtual community, and to explore the hot spots and frontiers of research topics.
3 · Part of a multidisciplinary journal, this section publishes pioneering research on the rational design of materials used in all forms of sustainable energy harvesting, conversion, …
Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) is a process in which luminescence is produced by oxidizing or reducing luminophores to transfer radiant charges between electrochemically generated free radicals. Although about 7000 electrochemiluminescence articles have been published in the past 20 years (2000–2021), only a few review articles have summarized the development and …
A knowledge graph perspective on research status, hot spots, and frontier trends of information technology education towards promoting educational policy in China. Educ. Inf. Technol. 29 (4): 4673-4698 (2024) manage site settings.
I''ve spending some time looking for some of the rarer materials (Niobium for example) for Engineering and it''s not the most engaging game play. Adding Hot Spots similar to mining would be nice so I have a target location to search rather than just randomly landing on a plant that has 2.7%...
The performance of hot-spot coolers is consistent with the reported ZT~2.4 of superlattice materials at 300 K (Shah 2018). Nanocomposites are promising material class for …
analyze the hot spot s and development trend s of energy research in smart cities, and uses citespace
Framtidens energilagring beror på utvecklingen av nya material och teknologier som kan övervinna de nuvarande begränsningarna inom batteriteknik. Grafen, solid-state-teknik, litium …
Download Citation | On Jan 1, 2022, published Hot Spots and Frontier Mining of Bridge Project Risk Management in China | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Hi folks. I have read some info on the hotspot mining. I have a couple of questions. I use my DSS to get the hot spots, if there are multiple of the same, is there any correlation to amount of mineral and size of the hot spot (will the smaller one have more of a concentration or will the...
Research on frontier hot spots of soft Science research in China in the New era: Knowledge Graph Analysis based on soft science literature (2008-2018)[J]. Science and Technology Management ...
Looks like you have only scanned the larger outer B ring and missed the inner A ring. There is a double overlapping Platinum hotspot there where I have recently been doing lots of laser/SSD/core mining. I can fill up 200T Platinum + Osmium in my Python in about an hour.
This paper focuses on technology hot spots, frontier identification, and trend analysis of high-tech foresight, and puts forward a more complete analysis method based on previous studies. In this paper, we take robot technology as an example in order to identify hot spots and frontiers in technology, along with their development trends. ...
Introduction. With the continuous development of technology, network pharmacology is becoming a frontier and hotspot in anti-cancer therapy. The advantage of network pharmacology lies in its ability to explain the basis …
Knowledge graph construction is one of the hot issues in artificial intelligence, and it is the core and key to knowledge graph research. Through Citespace (a statistical software) and ...
Research hot spots and trends in endocrine-related adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors: a bibliometric analysis and visualization research ... Chupradit S, Yumashev AV, Suksatan W, et al. Tumor immunotherapies by immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs); the pros and cons. Cell Commun Signal. (2022) 20:44. doi: 10.1186/s12964-022 ...
Gong, D.J. (2022) Based on CiteSpace, Research Hot Spots and Frontier Analysis of Physical Education Teachers in China. Open Access Library Journal, 9, 1-13. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1108809. 1. Introduction. Education is the source of national …
Hotspot eller «varmeflekk» (heteflekk) er et mer eller mindre sirkulært vulkansk område med diameter 100–200 km som har holdt seg aktivt gjennom minst et titall millioner år. Virkningen i overflaten skyldes søyleformede oppstigende varme bergmasser fra dype nivåer i mantelen.
Taking the journal documents published between 2008 and 2019 in the core collection of web of science as samples, using citespace software, a visual analysis of the research literature in the energy field in smart cities from the three dimensions of research …
Hot spot dimensions Axis of symmetry or solid boundary FIGURE Asc hematic of the mo del structure It consists of gas ca vit y solidgas in terface and solid with a zone of lo calized heating …
Nytt sätt att visualisera väte på atomär skala i energilagringsmaterial. 2021-09-24. Strålar av joner med hög energi används för att bestämma position och rörelse av vätekärnor i ett kristallgitter, vilket möjliggör utveckling av nya material för effektivt lagring av väte. ... Med hjälp av Monte-Carlo-simuleringar kan vi spåra ...
Research hotspots are scientific issues in many papers having internal connections within a certain period. Research hotspots in a certain field can be determined by Citespace''s keyword frequency
I takt med utbyggnaden av förnybar el från sol och vind ökar behovet av energilagring. Nu utvecklas nya typer av batterier – några i sig själva förnybara. Andelen …
Zanthoxylum planispinum is a type of plant with homologous properties in medicine and food, making it well-loved in China. To explore the development of the Z. planispinum field over the past 20 years, its research hotspots and frontier trends were analyzed. This study conducted database-based visualization analyses and knowledge graph analyses …
The combing, thinking and prospect of the research hotspot issues of preschool education in China: An analysis of topics based on preschool education topics in 2010–2017 core journals. J.
Information technology is a significant action to promote education informatization. Currently, there are numerous literature studies on information technology education, but existing research lacks a comparative summary of the research status, research hot spots, and research trend of information technology in China and abroad from an overall …
Domestic Research Hot Spots and Frontier Analysis of Virtual Reality Technology in the Field of Education. Authors: Erhui Xi, Man Li, Songfeng Zhang Authors Info & Claims. ... The researches show that the hot spots in this field include the construction of virtual experiment platform, the experiment application of medical simulation, the ...
Framför allt måste dagens beroende av fossila energikällor brytas och ersättas med klimatsmarta alternativ, såsom sol- och vindkraft. Den goda nyheten är att …
Accurate acquisition of frontier information will help research teams to keep abreast of the latest frontier trends of relevant research topics and predict the direction of …
A knowledge graph perspective on research status, hot spots, and frontier trends of information technology education towards promoting educational policy in China Yulin Zhao1,2,4 · Junke Li1,3 · Kai Liu2,5 Received: 30 August 2022 / Accepted: 22 June 2023 / Published online: 10 July 2023