The thermal runaway condition was defined as an initial temperature of 20°C, a heating power of 1000 W, and a heat dissipation coefficient of 20 W/ (m 2 K). Figure 6 shows the simulation results for heating-triggered thermal runaway under different initial temperatures from 20°C to 55°C at 5°C intervals.
The thermal runaway parameters are discussed with corresponding mechanisms and state-of-the-art measurement methods. Thermal runaway threshold considerations for various battery application and abuse types are summarized. Thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) remains a major concern in their large-scale applications.
The research of LIB thermal runaway model originated from the study of a single cell in the field of overheating [15, 16] and mechanical abuse [, , ]. With the increase of computational resources and a deeper understanding of thermal runaway mechanisms, the related safety model has been modified to acquire more precise results.
The thermal resistance network model can be used to efficiently calculate the thermal runaway propagation, but the thermal resistance between batteries needs to be estimated reasonably. 3D models can obtain more accurate results, thus being widely used in the study of thermal runaway propagation.
On one hand, the proper use of model can help to understand the mechanism of thermal runaway. On the other hand, using relevant models is helpful for designing a safer LIB, for example, designing appropriate cooling systems to inhibit thermal runaway propagation.
The potential safety hazard is an important factor that restricts the large-scale application of lithium-ion batteries. In order to reduce the research cost of battery thermal runaway, especially for large scale battery packs, model and simulation methods are economical alternative to experiments.
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