The EU energy label is – together with minimum “ecodesign” requirements - a success story that has been key in boosting the energy efficiency of everyday electric appliances like lighting, heating, fridges, freezers and televisions, but also products like fuel boilers, tyres and air conditioners.
The EU energy labelling framework regulation was updated and adopted three years ago (Regulation (EU) 2017/1369) and will reintroduce a simpler classification, using only the letters from A to G. The rescaling will also lead to better differentiation among products that, under the current label classification, all appear in the same top categories.
To help consumers make informed choices when they buy new energy efficient products and at the same time continue encouraging industry to develop less energy-consuming products, it became clear that the EU energy labels needed a simpler scaling system.
EU rules on energy labelling also apply to some ‘energy‑related products': goods or systems with an impact on energy consumption during use. The rules do not apply to second-hand products or to means of transport for persons or goods. Since March 2021, the energy label rating system uses A to G rankings only, instead of A to D ratings as before.
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling regulations are directly and consistently applicable in the whole EU Internal Market, for improving the environmental performance of products, such as household appliances, ICT products, industrial machinery or tyres.
The Commission adopted in March 2023 a list of recommendations to ensure greater deployment of energy storage, accompanied by a staff working document, providing an outlook of the EU’s current regulatory, market, and financing framework for storage and identifies barriers, opportunities and best practices for its development and deployment.
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In addition, exports to non-EU countries in 2023 were also 11% below their 2019 level in real terms. Services have performed better. UK exports of services to both EU and non …
Product groups Energy labelling legislation Ecodesign legislation : Framework Regulation:(EU) 2017/1369 Use of tolerances: Regulation (EU) 2017/254 Internet labelling: Regulation (EU) No 518/2014 Covid-19 and application of 4 rescaled …
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The EU Settlement Scheme for EU citizens and their families to remain in the UK after it leaves the EU (''Brexit''): who''s eligible, how to apply, how much it costs.
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eTranslation ist das Online-Tool der Europäischen Kommission für maschinelle Übersetzung. Es dient den EU-Institutionen und – im Rahmen des Programms „Digitales Europa" – der EU …
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Check what travel documents you''ll need to cross the border into another EU country. And find out what documents you need for your spouse, children or other relatives if …
Im Jahr 2018 wurde in der EU mit Verpackungen ein Umsatz von 355 Mrd. EUR erwirtschaftet. Verpackungen verursachen jedoch immer mehr Müll. Die Gesamtmenge der …
Introduced in 1994, EU energy labels have helped provide consumers with as much information as possible on the energy consumption of an appliance, prior to purchase, making transparent the affordances each appliance has to offer …
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The EU energy label is – together with minimum "ecodesign" requirements - a success story that has been key in boosting the energy efficiency of everyday electric appliances like lighting, heating, fridges, freezers …
The EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit system (EES).This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.
Az EU 27 tagállama a 2020-as évek elején. A 2020-as évek elején az Európai Unió (EU) 27 tagállamból áll, amelyek aláírták az unió szerződéseit, és ezáltal osztoznak a tagsággal járó …
The Commission adopted in March 2023 a list of recommendations to ensure greater deployment of energy storage, accompanied by a staff working document, providing an outlook of the EU''s current regulatory, market, and financing …
Evropská unie (EU) je oficiálně politická a ekonomická unie, která si klade za cíl zlepšit spolupráci v Evropě facto se jedná o entitu sui generis, která má částečně pravomoci mezinárodní organizace, ale také jednotného státu.K 1. …
EU Whoiswho is an electronic directory which presents the organisational charts of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies in all official EU languages.
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4 · Přístup k autentickému Úřednímu věstníku Evropské unie, k právním předpisům a judikatuře EU, konsolidovaným zněním, shrnutím právních předpisů a mnoho dalšího
The main energy storage method in the EU is by far ''pumped hydro'' storage, but battery storage projects are rising. A variety of new technologies to store energy are also rapidly developing and becoming …
EASE is actively shaping the legal and R&D funding framework for energy storage at EU level. Members gain direct influence in the European decision-making process.
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Directive 2009/125/EC and Regulation (EU) 2017/1369
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Example EU energy label for a refrigerator. EU Directive 92/75/EC (1992) [1] established an energy consumption labelling scheme. The directive was implemented by several other directives [2] thus most white goods, light bulb …
1 Übersicht über Steuersätze der EU-Mitgliedstaaten (Stand 1.10.2024) 1.1 Liste der Normalsätze und ermäßigten Steuersätze (ohne Nullsätze) in Prozent Mitgliedstaat stark ermäßigter …