Global organisation
One of the key projects for the synchronisation of the Baltic States grid with European network is the reconstruction of the 330 kV overhead line spanning from Valmiera …

What is the third 330 kV Estonia-Latvia electric power transmission line?

The third 330 kV Estonia-Latvia electric power transmission line from Harku, Estonia, to Riga, Latvia is a strategic infrastructure project.

What happened to the 330 kV electricity line from Estonia to Riga?

In December 2020 all construction works has been completed and the newly built 330 kV electricity transmission line from Estonia to Riga CHP-2 in Latvia has been put into operation. Today the Prime Ministers of Latvia and Estonia, Krišjānis Kariņš and Kaja Kallas, solemnly opened the 330 kV…

What is The 330kV interconnection project?

The project includes the reconstruction of existing 330kV interconnections between Estonia and Latvia Valmiera (LV) – Tartu (EE) and Valmiera (LV) – Tsirgulina (EE), which are combined into one activity. The completion of the reconstruction of the 330 kV overhead line, spanning from Valmiera (Latvia) to Tsirguliina (…

What does the new 330kV overhead power line mean for West-Estonia?

The new 330kV overhead power line removes a bottleneck at the Estonia-Latvia border, increasing transmission power by up to 600 MW. In addition, the new overhead power line creates opportunities for connecting additional electricity producers to the power transmission grid in West-Estonia.

Does Latvia have a 330 kV power network?

Latvia’s 330 kV power network represents the middle point of the energy system of the Baltic states between its northern and southern parts. All 330 kV substations, except for "Daugavpils", have a dual power supply. The 110 kV network has a circle scheme. The majority of the 110 kV substations have two transformers and a dual power supply.

How many kV power transmission lines are there in Latvia?

In December 2020 all construction works has been completed and the newly built 330 kV electricity transmission line from Estonia to Riga CHP-2 in Latvia has been put into operation. The Estonia-Latvia cross-border cross-section is the most loaded section in the power transmission network of the Baltic countries.

The reconstruction of the 330kv overhead line connecting Latvia …

One of the key projects for the synchronisation of the Baltic States grid with European network is the reconstruction of the 330 kV overhead line spanning from Valmiera …


HARKU-LIHULA-SINDI 330/110 kV ELEKTRILIINI TRASSI ASUKOHA MÄÄRAMINE 8 / 40 1. PLANEERINGU KOOSTAMISE EESMÄRK JA TRASSI-KORIDORI VALIK Planeeritav Harku-Lihula-Sindi 330/110 kV elektriliin on osa kogu Eesti katmiseks vajalikust 330 kV elektrivõrgust ning ka esimene etapp Eesti elektrimajanduse arengukava kohasest Eesti ja Läti

Estonia''s Elering re-energises 330 kV Balti–Tartu transmission …

Estonian transmission system operator (TSO), Elering, has announced that the fully upgraded 330 kV Balti–Tartu high voltage transmission line has been energised. This …

The third Estonia-Latvia interconnection

The third 330 kV Estonia-Latvia electric power transmission line from Harku, Estonia, to Riga, Latvia is a strategic infrastructure project.

Atklāts pārbūvētais Latvijas – Igaunijas 330 kV starpsavienojums ...

Latvijas un Igaunijas elektroenerģijas sistēmas ir savienotas ar trim 330 kV augstsprieguma līnijām. 2021. gadā ekspluatācijā nodota jauna 330 kV elektropārvades līnija "Igaunijas – Latvijas 3. starpsavienojums" no Rīgas TEC-2 līdz Kilingi-Nemme Igaunijā.


400 kV oro linijos 102,6 km 102,6 km 330 kV oro linijos 1870,1 km 2255 km 110 kV oro linijos 5033,3 km 5110 km 300 kV nuolatinės srovės povandeninis kabelis 134,31 km 274,3 km 300/330 kV nuolatinės srovės kabelių linijos 13,2 km 35 km …


400 kV oro linijos 102,6 km 102,6 km 330 kV oro linijos 1870,1 km 2255 km 110 kV oro linijos 5033,3 km 5110 km 300 kV nuolatinės srovės povandeninis kabelis 134,31 km 274,3 km 110 kV kabelių linijos 93 km 110 km 2018 m. birželio 28 d. Baltijos šalys, Lenkija ir Europos komisija pasirašė politinį Memorandumą dėl

Reconstruction of the existing Latvija

In order not to reduce the existing transmission capacity on the cross-border between Estonia and Latvia, the TSOs of Latvia and Estonia have developed reconstruction plan for 330kV …


330 kV elektrivõrgust, mille valmimine arendab 330 kV elektrivõrku Lääne-Eestis ja ta-gab parema varustuskindluse kogu Eesti mandriosas. Kilingi-Nõmme – Riia TEC-2 330 kV õhuliin on osa Eesti ja Läti vahelisest uuest kol-mandast ühendusest. Eesti-Läti kolmas ühendus on planeeritud kulgema Tallinna ja Riia

TICW 23 .1—2022 330kV(Um=362kV) …

: K 13 CCS TICW 23.1—2022 330 kV( U m =363 kV) 1 : Long AC submarine cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation and their accessories for rated voltage of 330 kV (U m =363 kV) — Part 1 ...



Transmission network and substations | AST

Latvia''s 330 kV power network represents the middle point of the energy system of the Baltic states between its northern and southern parts. All 330 kV substations, except for …

Projet d''interconnexion 330 kV Nigéria-Niger-Bénin/Togo-Burkina

ont signé à cet effet, le projet régional d''interconnexion dénommé « Projet 330 kV Dorsale Nord de l''EEEOA ». Ce projet consiste en la construction d''une ligne de transport de 330 kV d''environ 875 km reliant Birni Kebbi au Nigeria à Ouagadougou au Burkina en passant par Zabori et Niamey au Niger avec un segment

Unique underground cable line installed in Estonia for the largest ...

6 · Baltic Storage Platform reached a noteworthy milestone at Kiisa in the course of the construction of the largest battery park in Continental Europe – for the first time in Estonia, a …


330 kV elektros perdavimo liniją Darbėnai–Bitėnai. Projektas „330 kV elektros perdavimo linijos Darbėnai–Bitėnai statyba" yra įtrauktas į elektros energetikos projektų, vykdomų įgyvendinant elektros energetikos sistemos sinchronizacijos projektą, sąrašą ir yra laikomas neatsiejama elektros energetikos ...

Transmission Line Design Standard

500 kV 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.15 330 kV 0.3 0.15 0.6 0.3 220 kV 0.5 1.2 132 kV 0.6 0.3 1.2 0.6 66 kV 1.2 0.6 2.4 1.2 Easement Widths are sized to ensure standard safety clearances under high wind conditions, provide an area where vegetation heights can be controlled and provide ease of access for ongoing maintenance and repairs.

Transmission network and substations | AST

Latvia''s 330 kV power network represents the middle point of the energy system of the Baltic states between its northern and southern parts. All 330 kV substations, except for "Daugavpils", have a dual power supply. The 110 kV network has a circle scheme. The majority of the 110 kV substations have two transformers and a dual power supply.

Lancement des travaux du Projet Dorsale Nord …

La fin des travaux et la mise en service de la ligne d''interconnexion 330 kV du projet Dorsale Nord du WAPP est prévue pour 2024. Développement. 19eme WAPP AG- Réunion conjointe des comités organisationnels du WAPP. Mardi, …

Eltel Networks, Stacja 400/330 kV, Alytus, Litwa

EN: Eltel Networks, Substation 400/330 kV, Alytus, LithuaniaDE: Eltel Networks, Umspannwerk 400/330 kV, Alytus, LitauenNewly-built 400/330 kV HVDC back-to-ba...

Preliminary study on the structure design of 330 KV …

The results show that the insulation margin of 330 kV GIS with structure A is enough and completely meet the insulation requirement of GIS. Furthermore, compared with structure B, structure A has ...

500 (330)kV

500(330)kV :,,、。

Elering to expand Harku substation in preparation for …

Elering concluded an agreement with Merko Infra AS for expanding the switchgear of the 330 kV Harku substation, which as part of the third power connection …

Svinīgi atklāta jaunā 330 kV elektropārvades līnija "Igaunijas ...

Izbūvētā 330 kV elektropārvades līnijas posma apakšstacija "TEC-2" –Igaunijas robeža kopējās izmaksas ir 79,02 milj R "Igaunijas – Latvijas trešais 330 kV starpsavienojums" tehniskie dati līnijas posmam Latvijā. 330 kV līnijas: Kopējais 330 kV līniju garums – 176,219 km; Kopējais 330 kV vadu garums ~ 1612,19 km


Antud kohas jääb perspektiivse Paldiski 330 kV elektriliini nurgamast maantee kaitsevööndisse ja planeeritava Harku-Lihula-Sindi 330/110 kV elektriliini nurgamast jääb väljapoole tee kaitsevööndit. Tee kaitsevööndisse jääva masti asukoht on Skeemil 1 ja kaugused joonisel Lõige 1-1. Skeem 1. Kitsas olu Saue vallas Püha külas


500(330)kV_10. : 64 . 500(330)kV_5_1. : 75 . 500(330)kV_4_2. : 75 . 500(330)kV_3_2

New Latvia-Estonia power transmission line (600 MW) …

The Estonian electricity system operator Elering and the Latvian system operator AST have formally launched the third Estonian-Latvian electricity connection. On …


330/110 KV ELEKTRILIINI TRASSI ASUKOHA MÄÄRAMINE. Harju maakonnaplaneeringut täpsustav teemaplaneering HARKU-LIHULA-SINDI 330/110 kV ELEKTRILIINI TRASSI ASUKOHA MÄÄRAMINE 2 / 40 Algatatud: 26.10.2011 Vastuvõetud: 09.01.2015 ja 02.09.2015 Kehtestatud: Koostamise Kuupäev:


4 Summary of the Thesis Author: Holger Kroon Kind of the work: Magster thesis Title: Overvoltages Analysis of 330 kV Overhead Line in the Case of Short Circuits using PSCAD Model Date: 23.05.2018 95 pages University: Tallinn University of Technology Faculty: Faculty of Power Engineering Department: Department Power Engineering and Mechatronics Chair: Chaire of …

500 (330)kV …

: 500(330)kV(2011) ,110 (66)~500kV, ,20091020、2009124~5、200912 18、2010 ...


The new 330 kV power transmission line in Latvia and Estonia will mainly be built along the already existing power transmission line routes. This project option has smaller …

:330 kV

1 330 kV 1.2 :,,?

Kilingi-Nõmme 330 kV substation

Kilingi-Nõmme substation is the starting point of the third 330 kV connection of the Estonian power supply system with Latvia, which is an essential precondition for disconnecting the …

DL508-1993《(110-330)KV …

:07-874051:110~330kVDL508—931993-03-111993-09-01IEC141-11976《》 ...

330 kV Project (KKIP) – enpower DRC

The 330 kV high-voltage line will be approximately 190 km long, two-thirds of which will be on Zambian territory, and is designed for a thermal limit of 700 MW of electrical power. The estimated total project cost is around USD 250 million. …