Global organisation
Aluminium can be recycled endlessly without the loss of its properties. Moreover, recycling aluminium takes up to 95% less energy to recycle it than producing primary aluminum, which also limits emissions, including greenhouse gases. Today, about 75% of all …

Is the European aluminium industry accelerating its decarbonisation efforts?

The European aluminium industry plays a vital role in supplying the clean technologies necessary to meet the EU’s ambitious 2050 climate objectives. Yet, the industry faces the critical imperative of accelerating its decarbonisation efforts.

What role does the aluminium industry play in the European Green Deal?

Serving six out of the EU’s fourteen industrial ecosystems, the European aluminium industry plays a key enabling role in realising the European Green Deal. Europe has a well established and complete aluminium value chain; from mining to reycling. Discover which plants are located in your country by using the map below!

What is the European aluminium industry doing to drive climate-neutrality?

Driving the climate-neutrality agenda The European aluminium industry sits at the heart of the climate-neutrality agenda and plays a critical role in applications like renewable energy technologies, batteries, electricity systems, resource-efficient packaging, energy-efficient buildings, and clean mobility.

What does European aluminium's new circularity regulation mean for vehicle design?

European Aluminium welcomes the new proposal on circularity requirements for vehicle design and end-of-life vehicle (ELV) management. The updated regulation should focus on improving material quality for reuse, better vehicle design, and enhanced recycling processes.

What does European aluminium want from the Commission?

European Aluminium urges the Commission to address key design elements to ensure that the mechanism effectively protects against carbon leakage while maintaining the competitiveness of European producers. European Aluminium welcomes the new proposal on circularity requirements for vehicle design and end-of-life vehicle (ELV) management.

Why is the European aluminium industry important?

The European aluminium industry offers one of the most fundamental materials for achieving the EU’s sustainability ambitions and provides our continent with enhanced strategic autonomy thanks to a complete and resilient value chain.


Aluminium can be recycled endlessly without the loss of its properties. Moreover, recycling aluminium takes up to 95% less energy to recycle it than producing primary aluminum, which also limits emissions, including greenhouse gases. Today, about 75% of all …

Metal Recycling Factsheet

• Of the total amount of aluminium scrap generated in the EU at EoL (i.e., 4,338 thousand tonnes of aluminium), about 2,986 thousand tonnes of aluminium were collected and recycled, resulting in an EoL recycling rate of 69%. • Domestic consumption of the recycled aluminium scrap currently exported outside the EU, would reduce the current

EN AW 2007

8 aluminium grades 4.307 dimensions. ex works from osnabrÜck. delivery in 3-5 working days (subject to availability) without minimum order value or quantity . from europe''s largest range of semi-finished products. ... further eu-countries (english) u.s.a. united states of america.

Product Policies

European Aluminium will work towards ensuring ESPR market instruments are tailored to support the uptake of sustainable products, and its implementation comes with continued work on standards and coherence with existing legislation as well as proportional and adapted Digital Product Passport (DPP) requirements.

Metal Recycling Factsheet

• Recycling aluminium saves 95% of the energy needed for primary production. • One tonne of recycled aluminium saves up to 8 tonnes of bauxite, 14,000 kWh of energy, and 7.6 cubic …

EU Member States Clash on Sanctioning Russian Aluminum

The EU considers banning Russian aluminum imports as part of broader sectoral sanctions, with some member states urging tougher measures amid ongoing tensions with Russia over Ukraine.


Alubox Onlinehandel bestellbare Alukisten sind sofort lieferbar ab 19,90 € versandkostenfrei Abholung kostenfrei in Halle Saale Bestellen von hochwertige Aluminiumboxen und praktische Aufbewahrungslösungen auf alubox . …


Hitta rätt förvaringslåda i aluminium. ZARGES aluminiumlådor är ett självklart val vid transport, förpackning och lagring av värdefullt, ömtåligt eller farligt gods. Våra plåtlådor och boxar är …

Energy & Climate

European Aluminium will work together with EU stakeholders to guarantee the new market design leads to efficient and swift decarbonisation of the European energy system, while safeguarding security and affordability of supply, and incentivising investment into and dispatch signal for renewable energy, grid infrastructure, and storage capacity. ...


When you choose aluminium from Hydro, it''s strong, light, durable and climate efficient, making you part of a smarter and more sustainable future. Our climate strategy is to cut our CO2 emissions 30% by 2030. Our aluminium can help you meet your goals, too.

Circular Aluminium Action Plan: A Strategy for Achieving …

The action plan aims to ensure that all end-of-life aluminium products are collected and recycled efficiently in Europe to maximise the aluminium recycling rates and to keep the material in …

The ban on Russian aluminium may derail the EU''s energy …

The European Union is preparing to sanction Russian-made aluminium, according to a Reuters report. Restrictions on its shipments to the EU have long been under discussion and may be imposed in the coming months. The upcoming ban could significantly harm the EU''s transition to a green economy. Aluminum is the second most popular metal in […]

The state of aluminium production in Europe

burden of regulations imposed on a sample of 11 EU aluminium plants, the Assessment of the Cumulative Cost Impact (CCA) for the Aluminium Industry. The report, created by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) on behalf of the European Commission, analyses EU regulations in the context of the aluminium market and also describes the

Energy & Climate

European Aluminium will work together with EU stakeholders to guarantee the new market design leads to efficient and swift decarbonisation of the European energy system, while safeguarding …

The European aluminium industry''s 5 policy priorities for 2024-2029

As a strategic raw material, aluminium plays a crucial role in the EU''s journey towards climate neutrality by 2050 and achieving a green transition ''made in Europe''.

EU verhängt Strafzölle auf Aluminiumimporte aus China

Die EU hat bestimmte Aluminiumimporte aus China mit Strafzöllen belegt. Die Aufschläge zwischen 19 und 47 Prozent auf flachgewalzte Aluminiumprodukte gelten ab Dienstag, wie am Montag im Amtsblatt der EU angekündigt wurde.

Policy matters

European Aluminium will work together with EU stakeholders to guarantee the new market design leads to efficient and swift decarbonisation of the European energy system, while safeguarding …

Our Team

Our association''s day-to-day work is managed by an international team of policy- and technical experts. We actively engage with decision makers and the wider stakeholder community to promote the outstanding properties of aluminium, secure growth, and optimise our metal''s contribution to meeting the EU''s sustainability and industrial leadership ambitions.


På by Stegcentralen erbjuder aluminiumlådor från vårt eget varumärke "SC CASES" som tillverkar stryktåliga förvaringslådor i aluminium. Aluminiumlådorna är populära vid …

Aluminium Industry

Today, more and more aluminium is needed to supply Europe''s green and digital transition. European aluminium demand for clean technologies alone will increase from 14 million tonnes …

EU''s Aluminum Market Report 2024

In 2023, the EU aluminum market decreased by -18.8% to $23.8B for the first time since 2020, thus ending a two-year rising trend. The total consumption indicated a perceptible expansion from 2012 to 2023: its value increased at an average annual rate of +3.5% over the last eleven years. The trend pattern, however, indicated some noticeable fluctuations …

European Aluminum Profile Factory

EAS aluminium is a family owned company which was founded in aluminium sector in 1986. EAS Aluminum is located in Bulgaria, near Greece. We specialize in all kinds of aluminium profile extrusion, powder coating, anodizing,etc.

Home | EGA Leichtmetall

High-quality aluminum alloys from Leichtmetall Hannover. Made in Germany quality. Find all top alloys now! Deutsch. Contact us; Visit; Deutsch; About us ... info@leichtmetall Tel.: +49 511 89878-0. Contact us. Whistleblower system; Downloads; FAQs; Leichtmetall is an EGA company; Imprint / T&Cs;


Further information about aluminium and aluminium alloys, their production, fabrication and end use can be obtained from: Aluminium Federation European Aluminium Association in Brussels International Aluminium Institute in London

Energilager dygnet runt

Systemet lagrar energi i återvunnen aluminium som hettas upp till cirka 600 grader. Sedan kan stirlingmotorer, drivna av värme, omvandla energin till el igen. Kapaciteten …


Alcomet AD is one of the leading manufacturers of rolled and extruded aluminium products in the Balkans and the only one of its kind in Bulgaria to house the production of both types of products. Benefitting from over 40 years of …

Compri Aluminium

Specialist in aluminium profielen en plaatwerk voor dak en gevel Als innoverende groothandel en producent bieden wij u het beste in aluminium profielen en plaatwerk; de perfecte afwerking voor vele toepassingen, van standaard profiel tot complexe maatwerkopdrachten.

LME Aluminium Premium Duty Paid European …

LME Aluminium Premium Duty Paid European (Fastmarkets MB) Contract specifications Trading day summary Intraday prices Volume and open interest Price graph Five-day look-back Live prices

The complexities of applying the EU''s CBAM to aluminium …

China could export low-carbon aluminium products to Europe, preserving its fossil fuel-based production for higher carbon exports elsewhere, as 10% of its capacity is generated from hydro-powered smelters in the Yunnan region (aluminium-making capacity of 5,25 Mtons, with 70% of hydropower, bearing in mind that China''s exports to the EU are less than 1 Mtons).

High Quality Aluminium Boats

Extreme Boats EU are a manufacturer of high quality aluminium boats that look just as good as any fibreglass boat on the market today. Find a Dealer Become a Dealer ... Extreme Boats EU Unit 1, ATE Farms, Moorbarns Lane Lutterworth LE17 4JD Visit Our Showroom. 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Saturday +44 (0) 1455 360018 ...