Global organisation
Biogenic VOC emissions may vary with future climate change patterns and, in some regions, be a major fraction of the atmospheric burden of hydrocarbons during ozone episodes. Are solvents …

Does research focus on VOC emission sources?

This study found that research mainly focused on VOC emission characteristics, effects on air quality and health, and VOC emissions under climate change. We combined the bibliometric method with the evolution tree and Markov chain to identify research focus and uncover the trends in VOC emission sources.

What are the impacts of VOC emissions?

Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions have attracted wide attention due to their impacts on atmospheric quality and public health. However, most studies reviewed certain aspects of natural VOCs (NVOCs) or anthropogenic VOCs (AVOCs) rather than comprehensively quantifying the hotspots and evolution trends of AVOCs and NVOCs.

How do changes in BVOC emissions affect atmospheric chemistry?

Changes in BVOC emissions may have important impacts on ozone and atmospheric particle formation, which consequently impact the atmospheric chemistry, radiation, and climate. These interactions involving BVOCs will be investigated by using a coupled meteorology–chemistry with the BVOC emission model.

Which industries are the largest emitters of VOCs?

During the period 2011–2020, transport (22.14%) and plant emissions (13.79%) were the largest emitters of VOCs, followed by manufacturing industry and construction (11.89%), fugitive emissions from fuels (9.04%), non-energy products from fuels and solvent use (8.98%), and biomass burning (7.02%).

What is VOC emitted by plants?

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) play important roles in atmospheric chemistry, plant ecology, and physiology. Biogenic VOC (BVOC) emitted by plants is the largest VOC source.

How to reduce VOC emissions from wastewater treatment plants?

Given these factors, reducing VOC emissions to the atmosphere from wastewater treatment plants can be achieved by draining crude oil from process equipment into a substandard oil collection system, thereby minimizing flow to the treatment plant. The inlet water temperature must be controlled to reduce air emissions.

FOCUS : Trends in Solvents VOC emissions

Biogenic VOC emissions may vary with future climate change patterns and, in some regions, be a major fraction of the atmospheric burden of hydrocarbons during ozone episodes. Are solvents …


Abstract. Satellite observations reveal that China has been leading the global greening trend in the past 2 decades. We assessed the impact of land cover change as well as …

(PDF) Modelling VOC Emissions from Building Materials for …

Among the main pollutants in the indoor environment, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) play a central role, and the use of box-models using the mass balance …

VOC evaporative emissions from vehicles in China: …

The individual profiles at the emission processes are weighted by the emission of the in-use vehicle fleet in Beijing to derive the comprehensive speciation profile of evaporative VOCs.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Control | SpringerLink

The VOCs emission control of EU is issued in the form of directives, including the industry directive (integrated pollution prevention and control command 96/62/EC) and the general …


To maintain ano nymity for each VOC emissions test program, ALL4 assigned a unique identification number to each VOC emissions test report . The dataset includes test programs …

Emissions of air pollutants in the UK – Non-methane volatile …

Figure 10: Annual emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) in the UK: 1970 - 2022. ... Figure 11: UK annual emissions of NMVOCs by 2022 …

Characterization of VOC emissions and health risk assessment in …

The emissions of VOCs from industrial sources have been steadily increasing over the years, making them a significant contributor to anthropogenic VOC emissions. In …


Abstract. Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) are important precursors of ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA), which play key roles in tropospheric chemistry. A huge amount of NMVOC …


Abstract. Improving the accuracy of the anthropogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) emission inventory is essential for reducing air pollution. In this study, we established an emission …

Emission Characteristics, OFPs, and Mitigation Perspectives of VOCs ...

ABSTRACT China''s petroleum refining industry has set off another climax and has entered a new rapid development by building seven petrochemical bases. Sector-based …

Climate Change Consequences Of VOC Emission Controls

solvent emission. The ground-level ozone benefits of VOC emission controls are taken for granted within the SED. This report addresses the climate change consequences of incineration as a...

Temperature-Dependent Evaporative Anthropogenic …

The evaporative emissions of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (AVOCs) are sensitive to ambient temperature. This sensitivity forms an air pollution-meteorology connection that has not been ...

An increasing role for solvent emissions and …

The decrease in road transport emissions has been mainly due to the introduction of more stringent vehicle emission standards such that by 2017 this sector contributed only approximately 4% of total UK VOC emissions, …

The research hotspots and trends of volatile organic compound emissions ...

The VOC SA combined emission inventory can be used to systematically analyze the characteristics of VOC emissions and understand how VOCs affect air quality, which helps …

Environmental impact assessment of VOC emissions from …

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are important precursors that cause environmental problems such as PM2.5 and photochemical smog [1], [2], and formation and …

Regulation and impact of VOC and CO2 emissions on …

This analysis shows the global magnitude of VOC emissions. Data from human-made emissions from the oil and gas industry and direct emissions from transportation …

Research Progress on Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions

Known as the high-priority air pollutants in the atmosphere, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a dominated precursor of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs), leading …

The research hotspots and trends of volatile organic compound …

This study found that research mainly focused on VOC emission characteristics, effects on air quality and health, and VOC emissions under climate change. More studies …

Research progresses on VOCs emission investigations via …

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important precursors of severe pollution of ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosols in China. Fully understanding the VOCs …

Estimation of Anthropogenic VOCs Emission Based on Volatile

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban areas are of great interest due to their significant role in forming ground-level ozone and adverse public health effects. Emission …


For US emissions we use the National Emissions Inventory (NEI), for Europe we use the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI), and for China, the Multi …

Regulation and impact of VOC and CO2 emissions on …

This paper presents a critical analysis of the literature on research on the negative effects of VOC emissions on the ecosystem and human health because of such …

Guidelines for estimation and measurement of emissions of volatile ...

6. Fugitive emissions are defined as follows: "Fugitive emission" means any emission, not in waste gases, of VOCs into air, soil and water as well as, unless otherwise stated, solvents …

A review of the treatment techniques of VOC

plication depends on temperature, composition and concentration of VOC, emission volume flow rate, space limitations, economic value and operating costs [ 4 ]. In this …

Regional to global distributions, trends, and drivers of …

Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from the terrestrial vegetation play a pivotal role in atmospheric chemistry and climate due to their large quantity (∼ 1000 Tg yr −1) and high reactivity …

Chemistry-driven changes strongly influence climate forcing from ...

Here, using the earth-system model UKESM1, we quantify chemistry''s influence by comparing the response to doubling BVOC emissions in the pre-industrial with …

Methodology and Emission Characteristics of Volatile Organic …

With the rapid increase in vehicle ownership, vehicular evaporative emissions have emerged as a prominent anthropogenic source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in …

Biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions, atmospheric …

While existing reviews on VOCs focus on global emission levels, spatial distribution, and modeling, this study aims to review the synthetic emission pathways of …

Harmonised VOC Emission Classes for Construction Products

measurement results of VOC emissions from construction products. If required by the product standards, the VOC emissions must be reported as part of the performance declaration. To …

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions from internal …

The VOCs emissions produced by the internal floating-roof tank are relatively small, but there is no exhaust gas recovery and treatment facilities, so the loss from the wall …

Temperature-Dependent Evaporative Anthropogenic VOC Emissions ...

Global Fire Emissions Database version 4.1 with small fires (GFED4s).26 Meteorology-dependent BVOC emissions (MEGAN v2.1)6 and soil- and lightning-NO x …

Vehicle criteria pollutant (PM, NOx, CO, HCs) emissions: how

In Europe, O 3 precursor emissions (NO x and VOCs) are declining. 24 Figure 2b shows that EU region-wide average O 3 concentrations have been stable since 2000, 25 …

Environmental impact assessment of VOC emissions from …

A life cycle inventory of VOC emissions from biomass gasification power plants is specified to identify the key emission sources and main environmental impacts of VOC …

Evaluation of the VOC pollution pattern and emission …

The VOC emission structure underwent a few changes due to the ''stay at home'' tendency. The contribution of vehicle + fuel towards the VOC concentration in the Beijing …

Guidance Document: Analytical methods for determining VOC

Where: H is the weight fraction of water in the product;; L is the weight fraction of LVOCs in the non-aqueous portion of the product;; E is the weight fraction of all excluded components in the …