The latest “EU Energy in Figures” energy statistical pocketbook (2023 version) has been published by the European Commission. Available online – with a printed version to be available for order soon – the publication provides comparable statistics per year and per EU country for many different aspects of the energy sector.
The EU supports diverse and often cross-border energy infrastructure projects that produce, store, and distribute energy efficiently. This support contributes to a more integrated energy system, which is essential to achieve our energy policy and climate objectives.
It sets a binding EU target for the reduction of final energy consumption (total energy consumed by end users) at 11.7 % by 2030, compared with a 2020 EU reference scenario, and the same indicative target for primary energy consumption (which includes energy used to produce energy).
Shedding light on energy in the EU is an interactive publication released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. Data in the visualisations are linked directly to the online database up to the reference year mentioned in the title of each visualisation.
While the EU energy transition has advanced despite the recent energy crisis, several challenges remain. These include technological aspects such as electrification, grid interconnections, storage systems, further roll-out of renewables and integrating other energy sources such as hydrogen and biomethane.
EU energy infrastructure policy fully aligns with Europe’s ambition of achieving climate-neutrality by 2050. It helps reduce red tape and encourage cross-border infrastructure development by ensuring faster approval processes and financing opportunities, among other benefits, for key projects across the EU and its neighbouring countries.
The European Union''s institutional set-up is unique. Find out about the organisations involved in EU decision-making and their functions. Search all EU institutions and bodies. Search for all EU institutions, organisations and agencies by type. Share this page This site is managed by:
is the value of EU''s net-zero start-ups ecosystem in 2021, doubling since 2020. More than 400 GW. of wind and solar renewable energy production capacity in the EU in 2022, an increase of over 25% compared to 2020. 4.5 million. green …
EU climate change goals and the European Green Deal. To tackle climate change, the European Parliament adopted the European Climate Law, which raises the EU''s target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions at least 55% by 2030 (from the current 40%) and makes climate neutrality by 2050 legally binding.. The Climate Law is part of the European …
The publication provides energy statistics for all EU countries and the EU as a whole, covering areas such as energy balances, energy production and consumption, …
Multilingualism is enshrined in the EU''s Charter of Fundamental Rights: EU nationals have the right to use any of the 24 official languages to communicate with the EU institutions, and the institutions must reply in the same language. Legal acts and their summaries are available in all official EU languages.
Emergency Authorisations of plant protection products in Member States of the European Union. Emergency authorisations granted in accordance with Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 by Member States from June 2016 onwards are present in the database. Users can search by various parameters to identify relevant emergency authorisations.
It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN''s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU''s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports the creation and ...
The ENP was launched in 2004 to foster stability, security and prosperity in the EU''s neighbouring regions, both in the South and in the East. In 2015, the High Representative and the European Commission adopted the ENP Review, which brought a change to the cooperation framework and proposed ways to build more effective partnerships in the …
5 facts about the EU''s goal of climate neutrality . Fighting climate change is imperative for the future of Europe and the world. The European climate law made the EU''s objective of becoming climate-neutral by …
A growing share of intermittently available renewable energy in EU''s electricity system will require higher flexibility to ensure functioning grids. Compared to today, flexibility …
This article provides an overview of the energy economy in the European Union (EU) in 2022, based on annual data from each Member State. It provides trends for the main energy commodities for primary energy production, imports and exports, gross available energy and final energy consumption.. Gross available energy in the European Union in 2022 decreased …
TARIC, the integrated Tariff of the European Union, is a multilingual database integrating all measures relating to EU customs tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation.. ACCESS THE DATABASE. Integrating and coding these measures facilitates their uniform application by all Member States and gives all economic operators a clear view of measures to be taken when …
The European Union and Indo-Pacific countries have a stake in each other''s prosperity and security. Our regions share the same interest in upholding the rules-based international order – with the UN Charter at its core – and in supporting responsible cooperation in international relations. Our futures are inter-dependent. Follow the link to download the joint communication …
eTranslation is the European Commission''s online machine translation tool. It serves both the EU Institutions, and, as part of the Digital Europe Programme, the broader EU
The EU supports diverse and often cross-border energy infrastructure projects that produce, store, and distribute energy efficiently. This support contributes to a more integrated energy …
Europaparlamentet och rådet har kommit överens om nya regler för att öka byggnaders energiprestanda och bidra till EU:s energi- och klimatmål och uppnå ett helt koldioxidfritt byggnadsbestånd senast 2050.
EU''s Klima- og Energipakke har til formål at sikre, at EU-landene når i mål mht. at reducere udledning af drivhusgasser og fremme af vedvarende energi. Den 23. januar fremlagde Kommissionen et oplæg til en klima- og energipakke. Pakken er Kommissionens svar på en opfordring fra det Europæiske Råd i marts 2007.
Enligt den europeiska klimatlagen som EU-länderna blivit överens om ska de minska utsläppen av växthusgaser med minst 55 procent fram till 2030. Målet är att göra EU klimatneutralt senast 2050. I mars 2023 godkände rådet slutsatser där man bekräftade att EU:s klimat- och energidiplomati är en central del av EU:s utrikespolitik och betonade EU:s …
EU energy infrastructure policy fully aligns with Europe''s ambition of achieving climate-neutrality by 2050. It helps reduce red tape and encourage cross-border infrastructure development by ensuring faster …
The European External Action Service (EEAS) is the European Union''s diplomatic service. Since 2011, the EEAS carries out the EU''s Common Foreign and Security Policy to promote peace, prosperity, security, and the interests of Europeans across the globe.
Promoting peace and security and respecting fundamental rights and freedoms are just some of the European Union''s aims and values. Discover them all. Founding agreements. Overview of the most important EU treaties (founding treaties, treaty amendments, Lisbon Treaty, Schengen Agreement, etc.)
The Report shows how the EU responded collectively and effectively to Russia''s aggression in Ukraine and weaponisation of its energy supplies, by accelerating the clean energy transition, …
The powers, responsibilities and procedures of the EU''s institutions are laid down in the founding treaties of the EU: the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (1957) and the Treaty on European Union (1992). More recently, the Lisbon Treaty (2007) introduced certain amendments and additions to their competencies. The 4 main EU institutions, with their distinct functions, …
Strengthening Europe''s democratic processes by deepening relations with the European Parliament and national parliaments, protecting EU democracy from external interference, ensuring transparency and integrity throughout the legislative process, as well as engaging more widely with Europeans in shaping the EU''s future.
Where does electricity in the EU come from? 42% of the electricity generated in the EU comes from power stations burning or using combustible fuels (gas, oil, coal, biomass). A part of these …
The EU has long recognised that climate change acts as a threat multiplier with serious implications for peace and security across the globe. Climate change poses a double challenge for EU''s security and defence. Click on the document to …
Yet the EU''s response to crises needs to evolve. In the future, the EU must be ready to face acute crises of a different nature, which could be multi-faceted or hybrid, have cascading effects or occur simultaneously. Resilience is the ability not only to withstand and cope with challenges but also to undergo transitions in a sustainable, fair ...
As part of its digital strategy, the EU wants to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology. AI can create many benefits, such as better healthcare; safer and cleaner transport; more efficient manufacturing; and cheaper and more sustainable energy.. In April 2021, the European …
Eurozone''s inflation. The economy of the European Union is the joint economy of the member states of the European Union (EU). It is the second largest economy in the world in nominal terms, after the United States, and the third largest at purchasing power parity (PPP), after China and the US. The European Union''s GDP is estimated to be $19.40 trillion (nominal) in 2024 [7] …
The Commission adopted in March 2023 a list of recommendations to ensure greater deployment of energy storage, accompanied by a staff working document, providing an outlook of the EU''s …