At their initial description in 1989, superantigens were originally defined as proteins that hyper-stimulate T-cells via the crosslinking of T-cell receptors (TCRs) and MHC Class II molecules (1, 2). This definition required extension following the discovery of B-cell superantigens.
Superantigens are unconventional antigens in the sense that they elicit a response by binding outside the complementary determining regions (CDRs) of their target immune receptor macromolecules (antibodies or T-cell receptors).
A T-cell superantigen is an unconventional antigen that recognizes immune receptors outside their usual recognition sites, such as complementary determining regions (CDRs), to elicit a response within the target cell. T-cell superantigens crosslink T-cell receptors and MHC Class II molecules on antigen-presenting cells.
Superantigens are unconventional antigens which recognise immune receptors outside their usual recognition sites to elicit a response within the target cell. This recognition can lead to a cytokine storm, a severe immune reaction.
Some T-cell superantigens bind to the α chain [SEH (68)], although most recognize the β chain. Unlike complexes with MHC Class II, both TCR interfaces bind T-cell superantigens at low affinity (K d = 10 -4 – 10 -6 M) (68, 69) and yet both are capable of mediating activation of a cytokine storm (8, 70 – 73).
The mutation N23A (equivalent to N16 in SEH) in SEC2 caused the loss of mitogenic activity (75) and the same mutation in SEB resulted in poorer proliferation of T-cells (76). B-cell superantigens bind immunoglobulins outside the CDRs; proteins which would fit this definition of a superantigen were first described in the early 1990s (3).
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Brown M, Bhardwaj N. Super(antigen) Target for SARS-CoV-2. Nat Rev Immunol (2021) 21:72. doi: 10.1038/s41577-021-00502-5 [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 166.
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Superantigens are unconventional antigens which recognise immune receptors outside their usual recognition sites e.g. complementary determining regions (CDRs), to elicit a …
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