Global organisation
1. to phase out the financing of thermal coal-fired power and thermal coal mining by 2030 in markets in the European Union ("EU") / Organisation for Economic Cooperation and …

What is the thermal coal sector policy?

The Thermal Coal Sector policy is applicable worldwide. 2.2. Scope of the Group’s activities This sector policy applies to all consolidated companies over which the Group exercises exclusive control. Banking and financial products and services: credit, debt and equity markets, guarantees and advisory activities.

What assets are included in the thermal coal investment policy?

4.1.1 Assets in scope of the Thermal Coal Investment Policy are public listed equities, public bonds listed by a single corporate entity and single name derivatives thereof including credit default swaps (CDS) and equity warrants, as well as convertible bonds.

What are the asset management and investment criteria for thermal coal mining?

Asset management and investment criteria which have more than 10% of their revenue linked to thermal coal mining. which are in the energy sector and have more than 30% of their power production generated from thermal coal. which are Thermal Coal Developing Companies. Divestment will occur over a reasonable period of time.

Who is covered by the thermal coal policy?

Client(s): This Policy applies to clients that are corporate entities (including state-owned enterprises) or trusts that own, control or operate (or intend to own, control or operate) thermal coal mines, thermal coal-fired power plants or coal to gas / liquids plants (together, thermal coal assets). 1 The Policy is made public for information only.

Who is excluded from a coal investment?

For retail clients and consumers. Capital at risk. Through the implementation of this Coal Exclusion Policy, Legal & General Investment Management (Holdings) Limited (LGIM(H)) and its subsidiaries will exclude from investments those companies that are involved in the mining and extraction of thermal coal1 as set out in the Policy Scope below.

How does LGIM identify companies involved in thermal coal?

LGIM has engaged a third-party service provider to identify companies involved in thermal coal, as outlined in this policy, and to support the development of an exclusion list. The list is reviewed twice a year and where new companies are identified we will seek to divest holdings within the following 90 days.

HSBC Thermal Coal Phase-Out Policy

1. to phase out the financing of thermal coal-fired power and thermal coal mining by 2030 in markets in the European Union ("EU") / Organisation for Economic Cooperation and …


Burapahar Coal Mine, located in Sundargarh District, holds a substantial reserve of 547 million tonnes. This mine is designed to support India''s burgeoning energy requirements. With plans for a dedicated rail terminal, we aim to enhance connectivity, ensuring that our coal reaches consumers swiftly and reliably.


Benefitting from higher global thermal coal prices driven by the continued demand from South Asian markets for high quality thermal coal and global supply constraints, Thungela generated operating profit of R990 million and Adjusted EBITDA for the six months ended 30 June 2021 close to R1.9 billion, while the statement of financial position showed a …

LGIM''s Policy on coal 2024

We rely on data to determine whether companies derive any revenue from thermal coal and oil sands using a third-party ESG data provider which we have selected based on the quality and …

Coal price move underway

"With the NDRC''s effective measures to ensure stable supplies and prices since Oct 19, 2021, China''s thermal coal futures had once fallen from a record high of 1,982 yuan per ton to 660 yuan last year. However, the most-traded thermal coal futures (on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange) rebounded to nearly 900 yuan a ton on Feb 9," Yang said.

China''s Thermal Coal 2023: The Bedrock Of Energy Security

Government policies in China are set to flatten domestic coal prices in 2023. But thermal coal producers have some protection against the retreating prices and high costs, after strengthening their balance sheets last year. In addition, demand for coal is likely to remain strong, with prices locked into long-term contracts. S&P Global Ratings believes such support …

Implementation of M&G Investments Thermal Coal Investment Policy …

In order to achieve this, from 27 April 2022 (the "Effective Date"), the M&G Investments Thermal Coal Investment Policy (the "Coal Policy") will be applied across the majority of the funds in our UK range (the "Funds")1. The Coal Policy enables the identification, engagement and ultimately exclusion of companies

HSBC Thermal Coal Phase-Out Policy

Page | 4 • thermal coal assets or metallurgical coal mines operating in environmentally and socially critical areas or using Mountaintop Removal (including clients who derive more than 30% of their annual revenues from Mountaintop Removal coal mining). HSBC will seek to withdraw, as soon as possible, any financing and advisory services with a client that has made or makes a …


position, business, acquisition and divestment strategy, dividend policy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including development plans and objectives relating to …

Global thermal coal 10-year investment horizon outlook

However, will coal supply be available? Decarbonization efforts on the supply-side seem to be happening at a faster pace. ESG commitments by companies is impacting thermal coal supply in various ways; mainly, access to capital, availability of insurance, & investments in coal projects by diversified miners.

Societe Generale : Thermal coal sector policy

8. GLOSSARY Associated infrastructures to Coal-fueled power production units: for the sake of this policy, electricity transport and distribution infrastructures directly linked to such units. Commercially involved in the Thermal Coal Sector: Either deriving a revenue from the Thermal Coal Sector or planning to do so. Company: In determining indicators of thermal coal …

Implementing M&G Investments Thermal Coal Investment Policy …

Thermal Coal Investment Policy in our funds This document, referred to in M&G funds'' prospectuses, provides further information on how M&G Investments will be implementing its Thermal Coal Investment Policy between April 2022 and October 2024. ... Background for the Policy Thermal coal is coal that is used for the purpose of power generation ...

The Energy and Resources Institute

This brief deals exclusively with thermal coal that is used in power plants and other industries. ... Commission documents on India''s coal reserves and production. ... Figure 1 India''s domestic coal resources and estimated extractable reserves TTERI Policy Brief_Feb_coal dd 3ERI Policy Brief_Feb_coal dd 3 22/25/2011 11:45:42 AM/25/2011 ...

Thermal Coal Investment Policy

The Thermal Coal Investment Policy is a forward- looking policy that goes beyond basic quantitative screening to assess the credibility of transition plans in accordance with phase-out timelines, and involves engaging with investee companies to achieve real-world

Thermal Power sector policy

in the scope of Societe Generale Civil Nuclear Power sector policy and client companies with thermal coal power activities (and related dedicated transactions, products and services) in the scope of Societe Generale Thermal Coal sector policy. Applicable criteria of these sector policies will be used in addition to the criteria listed below. 6.1.

Thermal Coal in Colombia: Perspectives and Risks for the …

ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This briefing accompanies the NRGI report Thermal Coal in Colombia: Perspectives ... the prices of thermal coal. Its policies are instead aimed at redefining the mining-energy matrix, diversifying mining production, and increasing the use of renewable ... Despite the abundance and quality of reserves, Colombian thermal coal ...

Standard Bank Thermal Coal Mining Policy

several countries in Africa including South Africa. As such, there is a reliance on thermal coal. There is a requirement for Standard Bank in its financing of thermal coal mining to balance the need for broader access to electricity, with the need to mitigate the risks of climate change. 2. Thermal coal and managing climate risk

HSBC Asset Management Policy on Thermal Coal

Policy on Thermal Coal . 1 PUBLIC Our Net Zero Objective ... This document should not be distributed to or relied upon by Retail clients/investor s. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. The capital invested in the fund can increase or decrease ...

Investment principles for the thermal coal sector

Rothschild & Co Asset Management | Investment principles for the thermal coal sector 3 Non-promotional document. Rothschild & Co Asset Management, organized under the laws of France, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Paris RCS Paris 824 540 173. ... thermal coal exclusion policy defined by the delegates. For further ...

HSBC Asset Management to Phase out Thermal Coal Investment

HSBC Asset Management (HSBC AM), has announced its policy to phase out coal-fired power and thermal coal mining (''thermal coal'') from its listed holdings. HSBC Asset Management will actively work with company boards to support the transition away from thermal coal in the EU and OECD markets by 2030, and globally by 2040. Those

What We Do | Produce & Export Thermal Coal | Thungela

I have read and understood the notice set out above and agree to be bound by its terms. I certify that I am a resident of or located in the United Kingdom or South Africa or another jurisdiction into which the distribution of the information on the webpage does not constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction and I am not acting on behalf of someone who is resident or ...

Interim Financial Statements 2023

the largest pure-play producers and exporters of thermal coal in South Africa based on aggregate coal reserves and marketable coal production. The Group owns interests in, and produces its thermal coal predominantly from seven mining operations, namely Goedehoop, Greenside, Isibonelo, Khwezela, AAIC (operating the Zibulo Colliery), Mafube Coal

Implementing M&G Investments Thermal Coal Investment Policy …

The Coal Policy is applicable to public assets in pooled funds actively managed by M&G Investments on behalf of its clients. Its objective is to achieve real-world positive change by …

Microsoft Word

Reporting of Inventory Coal, Coal Resources and Coal Reserves" or its successor document as published from time to time by the Coalfield Geology Council of New South Wales and the Queensland Resources Council. 1.3 This successor document, the "Australian Guidelines for the Estimation and Classification of Coal Resources", ...

Revised Coal Stocking Norms for Coal based Thermal Power …

3 · Central Electricity Authority, Sewa Bhawan,R.K.Puram, Sector-1,New Delhi-110 066


The mine has of over 1.1 billion tonnes of coal resources making it one of the largest coal reserves in Asia and Australia by resource base. Ensham produces 3 million tonnes of high-quality thermal coal per annum through its underground …

About Us

The company exports its thermal coal portfolio mainly to the Indian, Asian, SEA, Middle East and North African markets. Thungela also holds a 50% interest in Phola, which owns and operates the Phola Coal Processing Plant, and a 23.22% indirect …

Investment principles for the thermal coal sector

Defining thermal coal exposure, absolute and relative thresholds The investment principles deal with investments that we make on our own behalf or on behalf of clients in companies (i) …

Thermal Coal Phase-Out Policy / Update on Net Zero Aligned …

The Policy applies to clients that are corporate entities (including state-owned enterprises), trusts or individuals that: own, control or operate thermal coal mines, thermal coal …

Implementation of M&G Investments Thermal Coal Investment Policy …

the Coal Policy (see Appendix 1).The criteria we have used for assessing companies are included in the "Implementing M&G Investments Thermal Coal Investment Policy in our funds" document on the M&G website. This research led to the identification of a number of companies which fall within the Policy''s thermal coal