Global organisation
The rate of increase of hydrocarbon gases that cause global warming, including carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), nitrous oxide (N 2 O), carbon monoxide (CO), fluorinated gases (F-gases) and others, is accelerating rapidly. India is the third-largest producer of these gases in the world and derives most of its greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels [1].

Optimal sizing of standalone hybrid renewable energy system …

The rate of increase of hydrocarbon gases that cause global warming, including carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), nitrous oxide (N 2 O), carbon monoxide (CO), fluorinated gases (F-gases) and others, is accelerating rapidly. India is the third-largest producer of these gases in the world and derives most of its greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels [1].


5 2. INDICATORS FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT I. Vera, L. Langlois, H.-H. Rogner International Atomic Energy Agency 2.1. Introduction The provision of adequate and reliable energy services at ...

Indicator system and evaluation method for technology …

This paper studies the technological maturity of five Power to X (P2X) technologies: power-to-heat, power-to-refrigeration, power-to-hydrogen, power-t…

Construction of Regional Sustainable Energy Development …

Sustainable energy development evaluation can help the government ascertain the top-priority problem in the process of sustainable energy development and meanwhile, it offers effective information to the decision makers and public.


Neraca Arus Eenergi Indonesia: Implementasi System of Environtmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) dalam Penyediaan Indikator Tujuan

(PDF) Menakar kesiapan transisi energi

PDF | On Mar 19, 2022, Robi Kurniawan published Menakar kesiapan transisi energi | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

What is an Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI)?

Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) is a measure of energy intensity used to gauge the effectiveness of your energy management efforts. The EnPI is a regression analysis tool developed by the U.S. Department of Energy to help managers normalized baseline of energy consumption. It is used to track annual improvements, energy savings, and Superior Energy …

A fingertip-wearable microgrid system for autonomous energy

The fingertip-wearable microgrid system consists of four BFCs, two AgCl-Zn batteries, a flexible printed circuit board (fPCB), four potentiometric electrochemical sensors …

Frontiers | Responsibly shaping technology innovation for the …

3.3.2. Reflection. Reflection means holding up the proverbial mirror to one''s own activities, commitments and assumptions (Stilgoe et al., 2013) is about continuously reflecting on the goals of RTI, as well as the decisions and actions taken to achieve them, being aware of the limits of knowledge and being mindful that a particular view of the issue is not necessarily …


6 operation or building (e.g. better insulation). While this is usually manageable in a single household, it may become very complex in multi flat buildings or SMEs.


Ein systematisches Energiemanagement kann die Energieeffizienz in Unternehmen und Organisationen fortlaufend erhöhen sowie den Energieverbrauch und die damit verbundenen …

Statistical Indicator System for New Generation Power System ...

The new power system is crucial to a clean and low-carbon, safe and efficient energy framework. It is based on new energy sources as the primary supply, ensuring energy and power safety as a fundamental prerequisite, and prioritizing meeting the electricity demands for economic and social development.

HEMS: Was ist ein Home Energy Management System

Die Hauptfunktion des HEMS ist die Koordination von Stromverbrauch, Erzeugung, Speicherung und Netzeinspeisung über alle Bestandteile der Anlage hinweg. Voraussetzung dafür ist das …

Energy Indicator: Primary Energy Intensity | SpringerLink

The primary energy intensity is used as an indicator in most world-famous indexes. Environmental performance index, environmental sustainability index, world development index, and other indexes—all take primary energy intensity or energy consumption per unit of GDP as one of their indicators to evaluate energy efficiency and to measure economic benefits …

Digitalisation of the energy systems

Digitalisation has an impact right across the energy value chain, from generation to transport, distribution, supply and consumption. A system-wide approach and EU countries'' …

Review of indicators for comparing environmental effects across energy ...

We sampled the literature that compared effects of different energy sources on the environment using the following search terms: ((''energy'' AND ''development'') OR ''electrification'' OR ''energy mix'' OR ''energy alternative*'' OR ''energy sustainab*'' OR ''energy system*'' OR ''electricity generation'' OR ''energy source*'' OR ''energy sector*'' OR ''energy …

Energiemanagementsystem für zu Hause: Mehr eigenen Strom …

Welchen Nutzen hat ein Energiemanagementsystem im Privathaushalt? Im Privathaushalt ist es weder möglich, noch sinnvoll, jedes Gerät, das Strom verbraucht, über ein …

Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development: Guidelines and …

FOREWORD This publication is the product of an international initiative to define a set of Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD) and corresponding methodologies and

Indicator system to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of China ...

The mitigation of climate change demands a transition to low-carbon power generation systems. To identify effective transition strategies and accelerate the transition process, decision-makers require comprehensive information that can best be obtained through an evaluation of transition trajectories. However, little work has been done to develop …

Energy Performance Indicator Tool | Department of Energy

Plant and corporate managers use this tool to: Establish a normalized baseline of energy consumption;; Calculate EnPIs that account for variations due to weather, production, and other variables;; Track annual progress of intensity improvements and energy savings;; Calculate cost savings and avoided CO2 emissions; Calculate metrics for a single facility, multiple facilities …

The EU Emissions Trading System in 2021: trends and projections

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on carbon emissions in Europe. In 2020, emissions from stationary installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading …

Indicators for the optimization of sustainable urban energy …

Background Urban energy systems are responsible for 75% of the world''s energy consumption and for 70% of the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. Energy system models are used to optimize, benchmark and compare such energy systems with the help of energy sustainability indicators. We discuss several indicators for their basic suitability and their …

Sustainable Energy Indicator System and Its Application in China

Energy is a condition, a foundation, an essential factor, and the key driving force for human socioeconomic development, and the sustainable use of energy is also vital to achieve the objectives of s...

Evaluation Indicator System

3.1 Scientificity and Practicability. The scientificity of the indicators should be understood as follows: the design of indicators needs to be based on scientific theory. …


84 Nairn Hamdia Afgan and Maria da Gra<;:a Carvalho parameters, which are the reflection ofintegral concept ofthe sustainability. As any other complex system the energy system is defined with constrains

SIMATIC Energy Management Software

To lower your energy costs, increase your competitiveness and comply with statutory requirements, end-to-end energy management is essential. To help you keep a constant eye …

Home | Energy Systems

Energy Systems is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on mathematical, control, and economic approaches to energy systems.. Emphasizes on topics ranging from power systems optimization to electricity risk management and bidding …

Construction and application of decision support indicator system …

3.2. Modeling the structure. With the optimal decision for the comprehensive development of new energy in the Hexi Corridor as the research objective, the evaluation model of new energy in the Hexi Corridor is established with the economic benefits, social recognition, environmental protection and unit investment ratio as the evaluation indexes, and solar thermal …

Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators Data Explorer

This online tool shows a selection of energy demand and efficiency data part of the IEA Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators database (EEI).. The EEI database contains energy and emission data by country, end-uses and product, from 2000 onwards.

Multi-scale energy efficiency recognition and diagnosis scheme …

To achieve more accurate energy efficiency analysis, many scholars have researched on energy efficiency diagnosis algorithms combined with production processes based on algorithms such as data envelopment analysis, least squares, etc. Han et al. proposed an efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) cross-model with …

Construction of Regional Sustainable Energy Development …

Sustainable energy development evaluation can help the government ascertain the top-priority problem in the process of sustainable energy development and meanwhile, it offers effective information ...

Sustainable Energy Indicator System and Its Application in China

Abstract Energy is a condition, a foundation, an essential factor, and the key driving force for human socioeconomic development, and the sustainable use of energy is also vital to achieve the obje...


index system and the evaluation index system. The theoretical index system is a set of complete indicators; it analyzes and evaluates the research objects from the macro level

Multi-scale energy efficiency recognition and diagnosis scheme …

Ethylene production process is a typical high energy consumption chemical process. According to the statistics, the proportion of consumption of fuel, steam, electricity, water, and other gases accounts for 70.0%, 18.9%, 2.3%, 7.9%, and 0.9%, respectively, as measured from the view of energy medium types [36].For the four sub-processes of ethylene production, …