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The result showed that despite the trade-off between CO2 purity and CO2 recovery existing for a polymeric membrane, PI performed relatively better than CA and PSF under the conditions …

What is a pi membrane?

PI membranes have attracted a lot of attention due to their amazing chemical and thermal resistance, as well as their high durability and mechanical strength. In the past, PI membranes were known as gas separation membranes . Even today, these membranes are known as effective membranes in the field of gas separation [17, 18].

Can Pi be used in membrane technology?

The review articles based on the use of PI in membrane technology that have been published so far have mainly focused on the fabrication and modification of these membranes in the field of gas separation [, , ].

What is Pi/Speek/Pi nanofiber composite membrane?

The sandwich structure PI/SPEEK/PI nanofiber composite membrane was proposed. The proton conductivity of PI/SPEEK/PI membrane with high durability was achieved. The interaction between PI nanofiber and SPEEK matrix was confirmed by in-suit FTIR, XPS and TEM.

How do pi composite membranes integrate asymmetric go/Pi MMMS?

PI composite membranes integrating asymmetric GO/PI MMMs were fabricated using the water bath technique. Modifying the as-prepared membrane with GO/PI, rendered a water contact angle of 59°. At 90 °C, water flux becomes 36.1 L m −2 h −1, and the salt rejection stays unchanged at 99% .

How to complete imidization of Pi membrane?

To complete imidization, the temperature was kept stable at 300 °C for 30 min. 32 Then, the desired porous PI membrane was achieved soon afterwards.

Do zwitterion-grafted Pi MF membranes have antifouling properties?

Antifouling properties of zwitterion-grafted PI MF membranes were evaluated using BSA solution. The FRR value of about 98 % was observed, which indicated the remarkable antifouling efficiency of these membranes. The BSA rejection rate was 91 %, which was unchanged compared to the bare membrane.

Effects of operating pressure on membrane performances. (a) PI membrane ...

The result showed that despite the trade-off between CO2 purity and CO2 recovery existing for a polymeric membrane, PI performed relatively better than CA and PSF under the conditions …

Polyimide-based separation membranes for liquid separation: A …

(A) New class of integrally crosslinked PI-based TFC OSN membrane preparation on UF PI substrate by IP process [106]; (B) Cross-linking reaction through the metal ion in the …

Electrospun PTFE/PI bi-component membranes with robust 3D ...

In this work, the PTFE/PI bi-component membranes were developed by synchronous multi-needles electrospinning and subsequent calcination. The electrospun …

Porous Graphene/Polyimide Membrane with a Three …

In order to further improve the energy efficiency, in this work, we developed a highly porous laser-induced graphene/polyimide (LIG/PI) photothermal membrane with a three-dimensional (3D) architecture through …

PI(4,5)P2: signaling the plasma membrane

The article will focus on the history and current understanding of PI(4,5)P 2 regulation at the plasma membrane (PM). We do not discuss PI(4,5)P 2 synthesis and …

TPU / PI, …

pe,tpu / pi,,li / limn2o4,。 …

Sandwich-structure PI/SPEEK/PI proton exchange membrane …

Such results can be attributed to the hydrogen bond interaction between PI nanofibers and SPEEK matrix and thus the formation of the sulfonic acid-rich layer in our …

Preparation of Polyimide/Polyethylene Terephthalate Composite Membrane ...

Battery performances for cells with the Celgard 2400 membrane, the PI/PET composite membrane were investigated. At the first cycle, the cells were charged up to 3.0 V …

Preparation of Polyimide/Polyethylene Terephthalate Composite …

The PI microporous membrane shows only about 4% of thermal shrinkage in at 180°C under air atmosphere. The cell with the PI/PET composite membrane shows stable …

Acqua viva

L''Ac­qua PI® è un''ac­qua pura e viva, in quan­to vie­ne dap­pri­ma depu­ra­ta dal­le sostan­ze noci­ve e dal cal­ca­re, le qua­li infor­ma­zio­ni inqui­nan­ti ven­go­no can­cel­la­te, quin­di vie­ne leg­ger­men­te rimi­ne­ra­liz­za­ta ed ener­giz­za­ta con il più effi­ca­ce …

(PDF) ZIF-8/PI Nanofibrous Membranes With High

Compared with traditional PI membranes, the ZIF-8/PI multifunction nanofiber membranes achieved super-high filtration efficiency for ultrafine particles (PM0.3, 100%), and …

Construction of PTFE/PI-PI/PANI-PA composite nanofibrous …

In our previous study, a photothermal composite membrane PTFE/PI-PI/PANI (hereinafter referred to as #m-PI/PANI) with a dual structure (dense and porous) was prepared …

Sandwich-structure PI/SPEEK/PI proton exchange membrane

The proton exchange membrane (PEM) is the core unit in fuel cells, in which the balance among proton conductivity, dimensional stability and durability is a long-term pursuit.

Polyimide-based separation membranes for liquid separation: A …

PI UF membrane was prepared and evaluated through phase inversion technique using 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3-phenylenediamine (TMPDA), 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM), …

Fabrication of hydrophobic PI nanofibrous membrane with …

Polyimide (PI) is a kind of high performance polymer with excellent comprehensive properties in terms of mechanical strength, chemical and thermal stability …

A Parallel Bicomponent TPU/PI Membrane with Mechanical …

The TPU/PI membranes shows 8.85 MPa of tensile strength which is higher than that pure TPU membrane (6.08 ... Surface Synthesization of Magnesium Alloys for Improving …

PI®-Power Compact Vier-Phasen-Wasseraufbereitung Häufig …

Nein, denn die Membrane in der Umkehrosmose werden mit einem speziellen Mittel imprägniert, welches die Leitfähigkeit beeinflusst. Dieses ist für Trinkwasser geeignet. Aber nach ca. 200 …

Cross-Linking Synergistic Effects to Enhance the …

Electrospun polyimide (PI) nanofiber membranes have served as promising separators for safe lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to their excellent thermal stability. However, electrospun PI nanofiber membranes have excessively …

PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 Are Essential But Independent Lipid ...

The quantitatively minor phospholipid phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P 2] fulfills many cellular functions in the plasma membrane (PM), whereas its synthetic …

‪Peng Wei‬

Sandwich-structure PI/SPEEK/PI proton exchange membrane developed for achieving the high durability on excellent proton conductivity and stability

Membrane 1x4 Keypad + Extras

Punch in your secret key into this numeric membrane keypad. This keypad has 4 buttons, and since every key has its own wire line, no matrix code is required - just treat these like every day …

PI(3,5)P(2) controls membrane trafficking by direct activation of ...

Membrane fusion and fission events in intracellular trafficking are controlled by both intraluminal Ca(2+) release and phosphoinositide (PIP) signalling. However, the molecular identities of the …

Polyimide Membranes: —Applications, Fabrications, and Properties

PI membrane of P84 from Goodfellow was selected due to its high salt rejections performance, high chemical resistance properties, good chemical stability in both solvent and …

PI@TB blend membranes containing amorphous carbon for gas …

The pristine TB–PI membranes were heated at a rate of 10℃min-1 from room temperature to 350,400 and 450℃, respectively, and were kept at the target temperatures for 2 …

Function and dysfunction of the PI system in membrane trafficking

Figure 1.The PI kinases and phosphatases and their genetic defects. (A) Schematic representation of the PI metabolic cycle with the PIKs indicated in blue, and the PI …

Polyamide (PA)

This review emphasizes on specific polymers, including Polyamide (PA) and Polyimide (PI), and the mix matrix membrane (MMM) employing these polymers as …


Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and its derivatives have a rich history dating back to their discovery by Johann Joseph von Scherer [2] and Léon Maquenne [3] [4] [5] in the late 19th century. Initially …

PI(4,5)P2 and Cholesterol: Synthesis, Regulation, and Functions

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P 2) is the most abundant membrane phosphoinositide and cholesterol is an essential component of the plasma …

Fabrication of Porous Polyimide Membrane with Through‐Hole …

Figure 2 shows the FT-IR spectra of PAA film (I-a) and PI membrane (I-b), confirming the successful imidization of the PI membrane. The aromaticity can be detected by …