Jiang J, Li Y, Liu J, Huang X, Yuan C, Lou XWD (2012) Recent advances in metal oxide-based electrode architecture design for electrochemical energy storage. Adv Mater …
The earliest application of NMR to electrochemistry was in the context of traditional electroanalytical chemistry and probably goes back to the work by Richards and Evans [] in …
An analysis of the characteristics of the most common systems of electrochemical energy storage devices (Table 1) shows that, for example, the share of specific …
In water-alkali electrolyzers, sluggish water dissociation kinetics on platinum-free electrocatalysts result in poor hydrogen-production activities. Here the authors report a …
Study of flexible nanodielectric materials (FNDMs) with high permittivity is one of the most active academic research areas in advanced functional materials. FNDMs with …
1. elektrokemisk och elektrotermisk produktion (produkter som kräver 20 000 kWh/ton och mycket elenergi) Sida 16 ... 0,93 0,42 0,89 36921 Cementindustri 0,64 0,58 0,66 Järn-, stål- och …
Batteries are the most fundamental electrochemical energy storage systems wherein electrochemical energy is stored by a Faradaic charge storage mechanism …
Dongsheng Yuan, Encarnación G. Víllora & Kiyoshi Shimamura. Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science …
The synthesised M-PCMs had a spherical shape with particle size of 1. 41 μ m and was tested experimentally, showing a thermal conductivity of 0. 31 W/(mK), latent heat of …
Electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices are very unique and important for providing solutions to clean, smart, and green energy sectors particularly for …
Summary Renewable energy sources are becoming extremely important in our modern society, which calls for the development of various electrochemical energy storage …
On the Trends of Autonomous Unmanned Systems Research
EUROLAB, med sina toppmoderna ackrediterade laboratorier och expertteam, tillhandahåller exakta och snabba testtjänster inom ramen för NFPA 855-testning. NFPA 855 (Installation av …
The need for economical and sustainable energy storage drives battery research today. While Li-ion batteries are the most mature technology, scalable electrochemical energy storage …
Crystalline, amorphous, and crystalline–amorphous materials have become three important electrode materials for the bottleneck oxygen-evolving reaction (OER) in the …
Protonic ceramic electrochemical cells (PCECs) can be employed for power generation and sustainable hydrogen production. Lowering the PCEC operating temperature …
With the growing demands for large-scale energy storage, Zn-ion batteries (ZIBs) with distinct advantages, including resource abundance, low-cost, high-safety, and …
You, Y., Yuan, J., et al. (2016). Nickel-doped La 0.8 Sr 0.2 Mn 1−x Ni x O 3 nanoparticles containing abundant oxygen vacancies as an optimized bifunctional catalyst for …