Global organisation
This paper summarizes wind turbines of Swedish origin, 50 kW and above. Both the large governmental-funded prototypes from the early 1980s and following attempts to build commercial turbines are ...

How big is offshore wind power in Sweden?

Offshore Wind Power Prospects The Swedish quarterly report provides insights into the offshore wind power scenario in Sweden, revealing approximately 440 TWh of offshore wind power under development in Swedish waters, with 190 TWh seeking permits.

Does Sweden have a strong wind energy sector in 2024?

The year 2024 has started on a positive note for Sweden’s renewable energy sector, particularly in wind power production. Recent statistics from the Swedish Wind Energy Association reveal significant growth and promising trends that indicate a considerable expansion of wind power in the country.

What is Swedish Wind centre?

Swedish Wind Centre, SWC, is a hub for and develops research-based knowledge about wind power. SWC wants to make knowledge about wind power available and easy to understand for everyone. Our vision is a robust and sustainable energy system. Lehtirova wind farm. Photo: Joakim Lagercrantz, OX2.

Is wind power growing in Sweden?

Recent statistics from the Swedish Wind Energy Association reveal significant growth and promising trends that indicate a considerable expansion of wind power in the country. With a focus on sustainable energy solutions, Sweden seems well-positioned to make substantial contributions to its electricity production from wind sources.

What is the Swedish Wind Energy Association?

The Swedish Wind Energy Association has over 160 members. We increase knowledge about the wind power industry and the understanding of its terms with politicians, opinion makers, and decision makers. We host the Nordic region’s largest annual event on wind power. Svensk Vindenergi är branschorganisationen för företag som arbetar med vindkraft.

What is Svensk vindenergi?

Svensk Vindenergi är branschorganisationen för företag som arbetar med vindkraft. Wind power is a natural part of Sweden The Swedish Wind Energy Association (SWEA) is the trade association for companies working with wind power. Our overriding goal is to ensure that wind power has broad public support.

Wind Turbines from the Swedish Wind Energy …

This paper summarizes wind turbines of Swedish origin, 50 kW and above. Both the large governmental-funded prototypes from the early 1980s and following attempts to build commercial turbines are ...

Sweden''s Vattenfall halts offshore wind power project

Planned for construction off Sweden''s southwest coast, the Swedish Kriegers Flak wind power project was planned to start producing electricity in 2028 and and generate 2.7 terrawatthours (TWh) per year -- equivalent to the yearly consumption of around 500,000 households, according to Vattenfall.

Neoen launches construction of Isbillen Power Reserve, the …

Neoen''s Swedish team has a healthy projects pipeline across the country, including more than 400 MW storage projects. This is fully in line with Neoen''s strategy to step up its investment in storage, as announced in 2023. Isbillen Power Reserve, the construction of which closely follows that of Yllikkälä Power Reserve 2 in Finland

Daniel Kulin, Swedish Wind Energy Association

•Towards 2025; the ackumulated installed wind power is likely reaching 18 GW, with normal year production reaching above TWh, making wind power the second largest source of power in Sweden. •Short term forecast is based on investment descisions and an estimation of buildable projects and new projects based on the permitting situation.

Sweden''s 2025 Budget Proposal and Its Impact on Wind Energy

In terms of funding, the 2025 budget allocates SEK 700 million to support energy infrastructure, which could accelerate the integration of new renewable energy sources …

Wind power in Sweden

wind power turbines in Sweden (see Figure 1). In 2018, 63% of renewable energy investments at the EU-level comes from wind energy, which is an increase from 52% in 2017. The investments of Sweden in onshore wind power amounted to €3.7bn in 2018. This has contributed to a 26% share in onshore wind power investments in Europe. Among the EU

The Government Wants to Give Municipalities Wind Power Support

With this proposal, the government is taking a big step to create better conditions for building more wind power, says Pourmokhtari. Even the Sweden Democrats'' party secretary, Mattias Bäckström Johansson, says that municipalities that have approved wind power have not received sufficient support in the past. The government is also increasing ...

Member Companies

Member Companies of the Swedish Wind Energy Association The Swedish Wind Energy Association has over 160 member companies. These include developers, wind farm owners, turbine manufacturers, law firms, electricity traders, insurance companies, subcontractors, landowners, and banks. Main Contact Persons All our member companies have a main …

Sweden''s Wind Power Surge: A Positive Outlook for …

The Swedish Wind Energy Association''s forecast is optimistic, projecting wind power to generate 55 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2026, contributing approximately 28 percent to Sweden''s total electricity production. However, …

Landinfra starts consultations on 3 GW of new Swedish offshore wind

The three offshore wind schemes -- Baltic Edge, Slite, and Sundsvall, are expected to produce about 14 TWh of clean electricity annually, an amount equivalent to around 10% of Sweden''s current electricity consumption. The investment in the projects is estimated at up to SEK 70 billion (USD 6.66bn/EUR 6.13bn).

About Us

The Industry Association for Wind Power in Sweden Svensk Vindenergi (the Swedish Wind Energy Association) is the trade organisation for companies working with wind power and renewable energy. We have over 150 member companies. Our members are power companies, municipal energy companies, projectors, financial investors, banks, law firms, consulting …

Welcome | Swedish Wind Centre

Swedish Wind Centre, SWC, is a hub for and develops research-based knowledge about wind power. SWC wants to make knowledge about wind power available and easy to understand for everyone. Our vision is a robust and sustainable energy system. Lehtirova wind farm. Photo: Joakim Lagercrantz, OX2.

Onshore wind power development in Sweden and Finland

In 2003, 0.5% of electricity produced in Sweden came from wind power. Since then, the production and number of installed wind power turbines has steadily increased and in 2011, 4.3% of the total produced electricity in Sweden came from wind power.

About Wind power

Svevind''s large wind power project in Markbygden is estimated to be able to produce up to 12 TWh/year when fully developed. The production would correspond to all of Sweden''s current planning targets for wind power and about 50% of the Energy Agency''s proposed revised planning targets for onshore wind power.

Statistics and forecast 2021 Q2

investment decisions are made. Thus, this scenario defines the lower limit of wind power growth in Sweden. – High case: Projects with turbine contracts (firm and binding) are realized and on top of that an estimation that most projects considered favorable are realized. The figures and forecast

RISE expertise supports offshore wind development in Sweden

It aims to support Nordic ports in ensuring adequate surfaces and quays, and that expertise is in place to create an optimal supply chain when establishing and operating offshore wind power. …

Swedish firm relocates Sh5tr wind power project to Tanzania

A Swedish firm has relocated a proposed Sh5.3 trillion wind power project to Tanzania from Kenya, citing frustration by Kenyan authorities. The wind farm in the Kenyan coastal town of Malindi would have been the largest in …

Statistics and forecast 2021 Q2

Wind power production forcast –all cases Production is increasing to between 44 TWh (low) and 54 TWh (high) normal year production in 2024. This places wind power as the second largest power supplier in Base and High scenarios, given that nuclear and hydro power remains at …

Quarterly Statistics

2023 Swedish Wind Energy Association, Wind Power Statistics and Forecast - Quarter 4 2023 Swedish Wind Energy Association, Wind Power Statistics and Forecast ...


Wind power is a natural part of Sweden. The Swedish Wind Energy Association (SWEA) is the trade association for companies working with wind power. Our overriding goal is to ensure that wind power has broad public support. About …

Wind power opportunities and challenges mapped in new report

Finding suitable areas for wind power expansion is challenging and requires planning that often needs to account for numerous land uses and values. This is demonstrated …

Daniel Kulin, Swedish Wind Energy Association

•Towards 2025; the ackumulated installed wind power is likely reaching 18 GW, with normal year production reaching above TWh, making wind power the second largest source of power in …

Neoen''s Storen Power Reserve begins construction in …

Based in Stockholm since 2020, Neoen''s fast-growing Swedish team is developing numerous projects across the country. The Storen Power Reserve is Neoen''s second battery in the Nordics, the first being the 30 MW / …

Statistics and forecast Q2 2020

The Swedish TSO generally underestimate wind power expansion TYNDP (2012) PP 2025 (2013) SUP 2029 (2019)-15 TWh - 23 TWh TWh - 33 TWh The Swedish TSO "Svenska Kraftnät" systematically underestimates the increased wind power development. In the graph; figures from Svenska kraftnät compared to the forecast of the SWEA. The "Ten Year Network

Statistics and forecast

•Offshore Wind Power Projects (s. 11) •Forecast for Wind Power Development in Sweden (s. 12) •Kjeller Wind Index January-March 2024 (s. 13) •Forecast 2024-2026 (s. 14) •Factors That May Affect The Forecast Going Forward (s. 15) •Swedish Wind Power Project Portfolio (. 16) •Project Portfolio per Bidding Area: Onshore Wind Power (s. 17)

Neoen launches construction of Isbillen Power Reserve, the …

In addition to this 93.9 MW / 93.9 MWh Isbillen Power Reserve battery, Neoen''s Swedish assets include the 57 MW Storbrännkullen wind farm, the 52 MW / 52 MWh1 Storen Power Reserve (SPR) battery and the 100 MWp Hultsfred solar park, all three assets currently also under construction. ... "We are delighted to be launching the construction of ...

Statistics and forecast Q4 2023

Wind Power Expansion Depending on Investment Climate • Up until 2026 an additional 9,83 TWh electricity generation from wind power. • We estimate that wind power will produce 55 TWh in …

The potential of wind power on the Swedish ancillary service markets

Master in Electric Power Engineering Date: February 9, 2021 Supervisor: Daniel Kulin & Evelin Blom Examiner: Lennart Söder School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Host company: Svensk Vindenergi Swedish title: Vindkraftens potential på de …

Startsida | Swedish Wind Centre

Forskningscentret Swedish Wind Centre, SWC, samlar och tar fram forskningsbaserad kunskap om vindkraft i Sverige. Vindkraften har vuxit och utvecklats snabbt och kommer spela stor roll för elektrifieringen, …

Report 2022Sweden

wind power establishments". The purpose of the call is to produce a knowledge base highlighting experiences from recent years'' wind power expansion in Sweden. • Wind power and experience values in nature areas. • Wind power and unforeseen impacts on wildlife species and their habitats. • Wind power and bats - evalu-

Statkraft Bolsters Swedish Presence Through Wind Power …

Among these projects, Hästliden, with a capacity of 600 MW, is currently in the process of obtaining approvals from the Swedish government, and integration into Statkraft''s operations is planned. Njordr Offshore Wind, a collaborative effort between Njordr and Vindkraft Värmland, has a collection of nascent offshore wind power projects.


The Swedish government aims to achieve 100 % fossil-free energy production by 2040. The goal is motivated both by increasing demands of the transportation sector and by industries transitioning to cleaner, fossil-free practices. The shift is expected to result in a significant rise in future energy needs.

Sweden''s 2025 Budget Proposal and Its Impact on Wind Energy

In the recently released 2025 budget proposal, the Swedish government emphasizes the critical role wind energy will play in achieving electrification and climate transition goals. The Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi) has welcomed the government''s recognition of the importance of wind power, particularly in helping Sweden …

Press Room

Industrins klimatomställning kräver mycket el på kort tid och ökad inhemsk produktion minskar sårbarheten i osäkra tider. Trots detta var det första kvartalet 2022 på vindkraftmarknaden relativt svagt, med investeringsbeslut motsvarande 330 megawatt (MW), …

Markbygden Phase II Wind Power Project

The Markbygden Phase II wind farm, also known as the Maximus wind farm, is an 844MW onshore wind power project under construction in northern Sweden. It forms part of the larger Markbygden 1101 wind project that comprises a series of interconnected wind farms in the Markbygden area to annually generate up to 12TWh of electricity from wind power.

Facts about Swedish wind energy

A blade that weighs 20 tonnes contains roughly 20 grams of Bisfenol A. Generously speaking, this equals a combined 260 kg of Bisfenol A in all 4,300 wind turbines in Sweden. Thorough environmental review of wind energy. Applications for wind power facilities are assessed under the Swedish Environmental Code and it is difficult to receive a permit.