A mobile battery storage system from Vattenfall allowed snowmobiles and electric vehicles at the 2019 World Ski Championships to be charged with carbon-free power at all times. Battery storage systems is one of the many solutions, products and services that we offer for sustainable and efficient energy production and consumption.
Alfen’s TheBattery Mobile is an innovative and reliable multi-functional mobile energy storage system.
Vattenfall will be the first to offer the battery unit to the market, and have identified the need for sustainable solutions at industries, for microgrids, construction sites as well as for event organizers. Voltpack Mobile System delivers up to 250 kW with a scalable capacity from 245 to 1225 kWh of available energy.
Drawing on the company’s experience of delivering commercial grid solutions to market, Vattenfall has supported Voltpack Mobile System project development to tailor the product to match the needs of the market, through both advising on design and functionality.
This characteristic opens Voltpack Mobile System up to opportunities of leasing and is expected to significantly expand the system’s utility. Emad Zand, President Battery Systems, Northvolt, comments: “We see an increased need from the market for flexible solutions, both in terms of use case but also location.
Voltpack Mobile System is designed to give our customers a fleet of assets that can be redeployed, repurposed and connected seamlessly. Vattenfall has been an invaluable partner of Northvolt since our earliest days, and their contributions to this project have enabled us to accelerate development of a product built to customer requirements.”
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Mobile batteries. Batteries are also suitable for mobile deployment. A mobile battery storage system from Vattenfall allowed snowmobiles and electric vehicles at the 2019 World Ski …
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