Global organisation



EduRank is an independent metric-based ranking of 14,131 universities from 183 countries. We utilize the world''s largest scholarly papers database with 98,302,198 scientific publications and 2,149,512,106 citations to rank universities across 246 research topics.

LoL Champions & Summoners Stats & Rankings

We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells.


CCR Sector: The current sector-level percentile rank of a one final estimate of credit risk at the company level Management Score: A company''s commitment and effectiveness toward …

Ranking IKE i IKZE – Grudzień 2024

Ranking IKE/IKZE przedstawia oferty produktów dla osób, które chciałyby odkładać środki w ramach Indywidualnego Konta Emerytalnego (IKE) lub Indywidualnego Konta Zabezpieczenia Emerytalnego (IKZE). Znajdują się w nim konta emerytalne, które zostały podzielone na 6 kategorii: konta maklerskie IKE i IKZE, rachunki oszczędnościowe IKE ...

CPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2024: CPU Rankings

2 · Below the CPU ranking charts and tables, this guide also gives you a basic introduction to CPU benchmarks and includes a list of commonly-used CPU benchmarks. We have benchmarked CPUs for over 25 ...

Vattenfall utnämnt till Sveriges mest hållbara energibolag

Mer information om studien och 2022 års ranking hittar du här: För ytterligare information kontakta: Johan Sennerö, pressekreterare, 073 046 40 …

2025QS(QS World University Rankings 2025)

2025QS(QS World University Rankings 2025) :2025 | :202465 :

CSRankings: Computer Science Rankings

CSRankings is a metrics-based ranking of top computer science institutions around the world. Click on a triangle ( ) to expand areas or institutions.Click on a name to go to a faculty member''s home page.Click on a chart icon (the after a name or institution) to see the distribution of their publication areas as a .

Vattenfall är Sveriges mest hållbara energibolag

Mer information om studien och 2023 års ranking hittar du här: För ytterligare information kontakta: Johan Sennerö, pressekreterare, 0760 46 40 …

ATP Rankings | PIF ATP Rankings (Singles)

Official PIF ATP Rankings (Singles) showing a list of top players in men''s tennis rankings on the ATP Tour, featuring Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Jannik Sinner, Carlos Alcaraz and more.

Counter-Strike Ranking | World Ranking | HLTV

HLTVs weekly Counter-Strike ranking, ranks the 30 best Counter-Strike teams in the world based on their recent performance. See the full Counter-Strike world ranking here!

MoE, National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF)

National Institutional Ranking Framework Ministry of Education Government of India. Home Ranking List of Participating Institutions. Rank-band: 101-125. India Rankings 2024: Management. Institute ID Name City State Score Rank; IR-M-S-8890: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. More Details Close | | Ahmedabad: Gujarat: 83.32: 1: IR-M-S-8903 ...

MIR4 Official Community

* The ranking [ 24.12.03 ] complied based on 00:00 [UTC+8]. * The ranking is updated every 02:00 [UTC+8]. Please login to use official community. Login community. Set Representative Character. There are no created characters. The game …

Key World Energy Statistics 2020 – Analysis

IEA Key World Energy Statistics (KWES) is an introduction to energy statistics, providing top-level numbers across the energy mix, from supply and demand, to prices and research budgets, …

Best Universities in the World [EduRank 2024 Rankings]

Top 300 world universities ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 2.15B citations received by 98.3M academic publications made by 14,131 universities from all over the world, the popularity of 214,167 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.

UFC Rankings, Division Rankings, P4P rankings, UFC …

Rankings were generated by a voting panel made up of media members. The media members were asked to vote for who they feel are the top fighters in the UFC by weight-class and pound-for-pound.

FIBA World Ranking Presented by NIKE

Explore the latest FIBA World Ranking for Men powered by Nike. Find out where your favorite team stands in the global basketball ranking.

2023 Green Utilities Report | Energy Intelligence

Despite a host of challenges around the globe – supply chain troubles, inflation and energy security risks – the 100 companies in the ranking have added 100 GW of non-hydro …

WPBSA World Rankings

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) is the owner of snooker''s world professional ranking list.

Table of Rankings

This report discusses the key findings from the Energy Transition Index 2021. This 10th-anniversary report is the opportunity to reflect and ask the question of whether the …

2024-25 Men''s College Basketball Rankings

Dropped from rankings: UConn 2, Indiana 15, Creighton 19, Arkansas 21, Xavier 22, Arizona 23 Men''s College Basketball News No. 22 Texas A&M hosts Wake Forest following Taylor''s 24-point game

University Rankings and League Tables 2025

Explore our 2025 league tables. Ranking the best universities in the UK, overall and in 74 subject areas. Knowing how best to choose your future university can be tough. Our league tables can help by showing you the top universities in the UK and allowing you to sortthem by what''s important to you. See the university rankings for your chosen ...

Todos los rankings de FilmAffinity

Las mejores películas de la historia del cine, las mejores series de la TV por plataformas, los mejores documentales, los mejores cortometrajes, los mejores conciertos, los mejores videos musicales de la historia según las notas medias de Filmaffinity

QS World University Rankings: Top global universities

This year''s ranking is the largest ever, featuring over 1,500 universities across 105 higher education systems. The United States is the most represented country or territory, with 197 ranked institutions, followed by the United Kingdom with …

26 Best Universities in South Africa [2024 Rankings]

EduRank is an independent metric-based ranking of 14,131 universities from 183 countries. We utilize the world''s largest scholarly papers database with 98,302,198 scientific publications and 2,149,512,106 citations to rank universities across 246 research topics. In the overall rankings we add non-academic prominence and alumni popularity ...

U.S. Army Ranks List

Click any rank to view detailed information about that rank''s duties, pay, promotions, and more. Army Ranks - Enlisted and Officer, from Lowest to Highest Pay Grade Insignia Rank Abbreviation Classification 2024 Pay Range; E-1: No Insignia: Private: PVT: Enlisted Soldier: $2,017 per month: E-2: Private Second Class: PV2:

Boxing Rankings

WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO boxing rankings. A list of the top 15 ranked fighters in the top four world sanctioning organizations and the current world champion for each organization.

College football rankings: Associated Press Top 25

Get NCAA college football rankings from the College Football Playoff committee, Associated Press and USA Today Coaches Poll.

World Football / Soccer Clubs Ranking

4 · Liverpool FC from England is the best football / soccer team of the world today. Inter Milan (Italy) comes in second place while Arsenal (England) is third. Real Madrid from Spain and Manchester City from England complete the Top 5. Check out our complete club world rankings.

QS World University Rankings 2025: Top Global Universities

QS World University Rankings… QS Staff Writer Jan 21, 2024 5.1k 3. How Do Students Use Rankings… Laura Bridgestock Jan 06, 2024 6.7k 6. 201710 QS Staff Writer ...

IMDb Top 250 Movies

The Top Rated Movie list only includes feature films. Shorts, TV movies, and documentaries are not included; The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users

PDC Live Order of Merit

PDC Live Order of Merit As of: November 24, 2024. Updated after the Players Championship Finals. Prize money in the tables is in units of £1,000.

Live WTA Ranking

Live WTA Ranking #: Tennis Player Rank CH: Career High NCH : New Career High (Previous Career High in parenthesis) 1 / 1 / 1: Immediate / Near / Far Career High Ctry: Country + National rank +/-: Rank change vs previous official rankings release Next : …

FBS Football Rankings

Get NCAA football rankings from the College Football Playoff committee, Associated Press and USA Today Coaches Poll.

QS World University Rankings 2024: Top Global Universities

How Do Students Use Rankings… Laura Bridgestock Jan 06, 2024 6.7k 6. 201710 QS Staff Writer Jun 24, 2023 4.9k 0. Which Type of Student Are Yo… Laura Bridgestock Sep 13 ...