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A major type-I room temperature multiferroic candidate is bismuth ferrite (BiFeO 3 –BFO), which boasts a plethora of appealing properties including multiferroic, photovoltaic, piezoelectric ...

How are bismuth ferrite-based lead-free ceramics prepared?

In summary, novel bismuth ferrite-based lead-free ceramics of (1-x)BFBT-xNBN were prepared successfully via tape-casting processing and solid state reaction method. The prepared ceramics were sintered densely and a main perovskite phase can be formed.

Can lead-free bismuth ferrite-strontium titanate solid-solution films achieve giant energy densities?

Here we demonstrate that giant energy densities of ~70 J cm −3, together with high efficiency as well as excellent cycling and thermal stability, can be achieved in lead-free bismuth ferrite-strontium titanate solid-solution films through domain engineering.

Does strontium titanate transform bismuth ferrite into polar nano-regions?

It is revealed that the incorporation of strontium titanate transforms the ferroelectric micro-domains of bismuth ferrite into highly-dynamic polar nano-regions, resulting in a ferroelectric to relaxor-ferroelectric transition with concurrently improved energy density and efficiency.

What diffraction peaks can be detected in bfbt ceramics?

A small quantities of the secondary phase (Bi1.34 Fe 0.66 Nb 1.34 O 6.35, PDF-#52-1774) can be detected when x ≥ 0.06, which may be limited by the solid solubility of NBN in BFBT ceramics. In addition, as shown in the enlarged view of Fig. 2 (b), the diffraction peaks of (1 1 1) and (2 0 0) without splitting.

Ferroelectric solitons crafted in epitaxial bismuth ferrite ...

A major type-I room temperature multiferroic candidate is bismuth ferrite (BiFeO 3 –BFO), which boasts a plethora of appealing properties including multiferroic, photovoltaic, piezoelectric ...

Anneal temperature dependence of resistive switching and …

Bismuth ferrite which is perovskite structure with band gap of about 2.67 eV and generally considered to be p-type semiconductor is studied in depth among ferroelectric materials. A large number of studies have explored the domain structure and electrical properties of ferroelectric materials in nanoscale based upon Bismuth ferrite.

Visible light-assisted ferro-photocatalytic application of bismuth ...

Polycrystalline nano-sized multiferroic bismuth ferrite was prepared by facile sole-gel method using acetic acid as a chelating agent followed by calcination at 450, 500, and 600 °C. Transmission electron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the crystallinity in the samples, and the crystallite size increased with calcination temperature. The …

Bismuth-Ferrite-Based Electrochemical Supercapacitors

This book provides a much-needed, up-to-date overview of unary, binary and ternary bismuth-ferrite-based systems, with a focus on their properties, synthesis methods and applications as electrochemical supercapacitors. It introduces readers to the basic structure and properties of ferrites in general, focusing on the selection criteria for ...

Novel bismuth ferrite‐based lead‐free ceramics with …

In this work, a new lead-free relaxor ferroelectric 0.60BiFeO 3-0.34BaTiO 3-0.06Sr(Al 0.5 Nb 0.5)O 3 (BBFTO-SAN) ceramic was prepared via the conventional solid-state reaction method. High recoverable energy density …

A brief comparison of structural and magnetic properties of bismuth ...

A succinct comparison of bismuth ferrite samples prepared using hydrothermal and sol–gel synthesis routes on structural and magnetic behavior is reported. X-ray diffraction studies confirm rhombohedral structure with the presence of an additional impurity phase and is found to be higher for the sol–gel method prepared sample than in comparison with the …

Imaging and ferroelectric orientation mapping of photostriction in a ...

Bismuth Ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO), a standout among these materials, exhibits room-temperature ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic behaviour and magnetoelectric coupling. Of particular interest is the ...

Bismuth Ferrite | Encyclopedia MDPI

1. Introduction. The relation between the electric and magnetic subsystems can vary among the materials and also existing conditions; for instance, Bismuth ferrite theoretically, at room temperature shows quadratic and higher-order relation, while a linear behavior is observed at application with high electric fields or magnetic fields around 10–18 T [] [], for the …

Large strain and strain memory effect in bismuth ferrite lead-free ...

An electric-field-induced strain in ferroelectric materials has extensive applications in actuators and sensors. BiFeO3 (BFO) ceramic is a promising candidate for high-temperature electromechanical coupling applications due to its exceptionally high Curie temperature (Tc ∼ 825 °C). Here, we reported an enhanced electric-field-induced strain in defective BFO ceramics.

Quasipolaron Surface Polarization in Bismuth Ferrite

Multiferroic BiFeO${}_{3}$ has been surprising researchers with its properties for decades now, and questions related to the origin of its polarization and the various mechanisms behind its ferroelectric properties are still important. This study shows that in BiFeO${}_{3}$, quasipolaron surface polarization is the origin of a nested domain structure. As more …

A review of the structure, magnetic and electrical properties of ...

BiFeO 3 Bismuth Ferrite having multiferroic properties at room temperature is the most well-known single-phase multiferroic material which has been under extensive studies [[10], [11], [12]]. Bi 2 Fe 4 O 9 is another type of the Bismuth Ferrite family that is usually produced as a side product when producing BiFeO 3 [13].

Bismuth ferrite-modified lead-free ceramics with …

Bismuth ferrite-modified lead-free ceramics with reduced sintering temperature and improved energy storage properties Special Collection: Energy Conversion and Storage in Functional Dielectrics Xi Kong

Energy storage properties of bismuth ferrite based ternary relaxor ...

In this work, Sr0.7Bi0.2TiO3 (SBT) was doped into BF-BT to form a solid solution with relaxor ferroelectric characteristics. Constricted P-E loops were observed due to the field-induced phase transition and a significant reduction of grain size was found in the SBT-doped ceramics. Specially, 15%-SBT doped ceramics (15SBT) possessed the maximum recoverable energy …

Fabrication of bismuth ferrite/graphitic carbon nitride/N-doped ...

Compared to bismuth ferrite and bismuth ferrite/graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) binary composite, the bismuth ferrite/g-CN/N-doped graphene quantum dots demonstrates a superior specific capacitance of 1472 F g −1 at 1 A g −1 current density. After 3000 charging-discharging cycles, the device maintains its cycling stability with 87% capacitance retention.

Synthesis and Characterization of NanoBismuth Ferrites Ceramics

Nano-bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO) exhibits two together (anti) ferromagnetic and ferroelectric real estate at room temperature. Therefore, it bears risk a very influential part fashionable the ...

Bismuth ferrite-based lead-free ceramics and …

Lead-free ceramics with high recoverable energy density (Wrec) and energy storage efficiency (η) are attractive for advanced pulsed power capacitors to enable greater miniaturization and integration. In this work, dense bismuth …

Bismuth ferrite

Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO 3, also commonly referred to as BFO in materials science) is an inorganic chemical compound with perovskite structure and one of the most promising multiferroic materials. [1] The room-temperature phase of BiFeO 3 is classed as rhombohedral belonging to the space group R3c. [2] [3] [4] It is synthesized in bulk and thin film form and both its …

Optimization of polarization and electric field of bismuth ferrite ...

In this work, novel bismuth ferrite-based lead-free ceramics of (1-x)(0.67BiFeO 3-0.33BaTiO 3)-xNa 0.73 Bi 0.09 NbO 3 ((1-x)BFBT-xNBN) were designed and fabricated …

Giant energy density and high efficiency achieved in bismuth ferrite ...

Here, the authors realised superior energy storage performance in lead-free bismuth ferrite-based relaxor ferroelectric films through domain engineering. Nature Communications - Dielectrics with ...

Designing lead-free bismuth ferrite-based ceramics …

Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO) possesses very large spontaneous polarization, which provides a great potential in dielectric energy-storage capacitors. However, the presence of large remanent polarization …

Enhancement in energy storage performance of La-modified …

Designing lead-free bismuth ferrite-based ceramics learning from relaxor ferroelectric behavior for simultaneous high energy density and efficiency under low electric field

Studies on the Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of Bismuth ...

Bismuth ferrite nanomaterials have excellent stability and high catalytic performance in photocatalysis. The preparation methods of bismuth ferrite nanomaterials mainly include sol-gel method [6-8], hydrothermal synthesis method [9-12], molten salt method [13, 14]. Bismuth ferrite powder with a particle size of 80-120 nm

Giant energy density and high efficiency achieved in bismuth …

Here we demonstrate that giant energy densities of ~70 J cm−3, together with high efficiency as well as excellent cycling and thermal stability, can be achieved in lead-free …

An Emergent Quadruple Phase Ensemble in Doped Bismuth Ferrite …

Using chemical solution deposition derived (001)-oriented Sm-substituted bismuth ferrite (Bi 1-x Sm x FeO 3) films as a prototypical system, a morphotropic phase boundary comprising a coexistence of four distinct crystallographic phases is uncovered. These ferroelectric, polar, and nonpolar phases form a nanoscale mixture without the presence of …

(PDF) Bismuth ferrite-barium titanate system studies …

A candidate is the bismuth ferrite owing to the coexistence of ferroelectricity and anti-ferromagnetism at room temperature, however, a high leakage current harms their ferroelectric properties.

Investigation of the dielectric and optoelectronic properties of Nd

Bismuth ferrite (BFO), a well-known multiferroic perovskite-structured material, is known to generate THz radiation when stimulated by a femtosecond laser pulse . BFO being lead free further proves to be a material of great importance since it is the only single-phased material with relatively high Curie temperature (T C ~ 1100 K) and ...

Critical review: Bismuth ferrite as an emerging visible light active ...

Now-a-days, an advanced technique is also making its name in treatment of polluted water, known as "advanced oxidation process". This method includes oxidation technique of effluents (pollutants) with hydroxyl ions (OH −) [12], [13].The major steps are, (a) formation of hydroxyl ions OH ‒, (b) hydroxyl radicals attack on the target molecules of pollutants and …

Electrochemical Supercapacitors of Bismuth Ferrites

Specifically, the bismuth ferrite nano-flakes electrode exhibits high specific capacitance of 72.2 F g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1, and high rate ability with 37% retention of capacitance ...

Bismuth Ferrite-Based Lead-Free High-Entropy Piezoelectric …

In this study, the "entropy engineering" approach was employed to introduce the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) into the bismuth ferrite (BF)-based lead-free system. By …

Bandgap engineering of cobalt-doped bismuth ferrite ...

All over the world, the power sector is facing challenges. Therefore, significant efforts have been made to study a wide range of materials that could be used in photovoltaic (PV) solar cells to develop an alternative renewable energy source [1,2,3].(hbox {BiFeO}_{3}) (BFO) shows ferroelectric or anti-ferroelectric and ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic properties …